Prokofiev, the temperamental St Petersburg firebrand, and Schubert, the quiet revolutionary from Vienna – an intelligent and exciting combination. The pianist Elisso Bolkvadze, an UNESCO Artist for Peace and a superstar in her native Georgia, presents Prokofiev’s Second Piano Sonata and Schubert’s Impromptus D 899 in glowing and lyrical interpretations.more
Prokofiev, the temperamental St Petersburg firebrand, and Schubert, the quiet revolutionary from Vienna – an intelligent and exciting combination. The pianist Elisso Bolkvadze, an UNESCO Artist for Peace and a superstar in her native Georgia, presents Prokofiev’s Second Piano Sonata and Schubert’s Impromptus D 899 in glowing and lyrical interpretations.
Elisso Bolkvadze plays Prokofiev and Schubert | |
article number: | 97.719 |
EAN barcode: | 4022143977199 |
price group: | BCA |
release date: | 14. August 2015 |
total time: | 48 min. |
Bonus Material
Sergei Prokofiev and Franz Schubert - a highly intelligent combination, highlighting the position of the two composers between tradition and innovation. Prokofiev's sonata oeuvre is significantly more present in Russia and the states of the former Soviet Union than in Central Europe where, at best, his Seventh Sonata is only occasionally programmed. Yet with his nine completed sonatas, spanning his career from his youth up to the period shortly before his death in 1953, Prokofiev created a musical cosmos similar in range to Shostakovich's string quartets. Hailing from the Georgian capital Tbilisi, Elisso Bolkvadze has chosen the Second Sonata (1912), where Prokofiev adopts an incredibly delicate tone which, at the same time, appears aggressive in its motoric energy, reflecting the modernist spirit of the Russian capital of St Petersburg before the First World War.
Elisso Bolkvadze has complemented this with Schubert's four Impromptus D899, a popular cycle whose innovation is often underestimated. For, alongside his great piano sonatas, Schubert always put new forms to the test with compact, and sometimes also programmatic, messages. This also holds true for the Impromptus, where pure colour is combined with lyrical, dramatic and gestural aspects.
Georgian pianist Elisso Bolkvadze was selected as a UNESCO Artist for Peace in January 2015. She has won numerous international piano competitions, including the Van Cliburn, Vianna da Motta and Dublin International Piano Competitions. She is regularly invited to perform as a soloist alongside international orchestras, and also gives recitals in major concert halls across Europe and the United States. A superstar in her home country, she was awarded the prestigious national "Medal of Honour of the Georgian Government" in 1993. In 2013, Elisso Bolkvadze founded her own charitable foundation, "Lyra", which supports talented young Georgian pianists. She is the Artistic Director of the Batumi Music Festival in Georgia.
| Sa 22.10. 10:35 - 12:00 | October 22, 2016 | source: http://www.tvspi...
Elisso Bolkvadze joue Mozart, Schubert, Sogny et Prokofiev
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| 03.10.2016, 17:50 - 19:15 Uhr | October 3, 2016 | source: http://www.tvspi...
Elisso Bolkvadze joue Mozart, Schubert, Sogny et Prokofiev
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Stereoplay | 09|2016 | Lothar Brandt | September 1, 2016 HighClass in HiRes
So vital und explosiv die Künstlerin Prokofieff abfeuert, so traumhaft und graziös findet sie den Weg in Schuberts zum Teil ja auch suchende, experimentelle Klangwelt.Mehr lesen
Fanfare | February 2016 | Huntley Dent | February 1, 2016
The Russian school of pianism rolls forward like an Energizer Bösendorfer bunny, apparently unstoppable. Not that I’d ever want it to stop, asMehr lesen
What sealed my enthusiasm for this new release was unexpected, a galvanizing reading of the Prokofiev Second Piano Sonata from 1912. We find the composer half-perched as bratty precocious Modernist—at 21, he was already a prominent member of St. Petersburg’s contemporary music culture—and an extremely knowing writer for piano, well on his way to developing a unique personal style. The Second Sonata, which stands in sequence between the scandalously raucous Piano Concertos Nos. 1 and 2, roams freely from Chopin through Liszt and Rachmaninoff, adding zingers and flashes of dissonance that must have sounded incongruous at the time. These innovations are squibs compared with the bombshell Stravinsky would drop the next year in Le Sacre, and it’s difficult to bring out a sharp profile for the whole work.
Bolkvadze manages to, however, by force of will, playing the first movement on a grander scale than, say Yefim Bronfman in his well-regarded Sony recording from 1995. At times he’s freer and more imaginative in his phrasing, but Bolkvadze has more impact. Prokofiev introduces fine-textured filigree as a contrast with power in the first movement, and Bolkvadze makes the two fit naturally together. There’s also more energy and personality throughout than with Bronfman.
Being a natural at Prokofiev has no predictive value in Schubert, and no matter how hard I squinted, the two composers don’t really belong together. Except for Richter, I don’t think of Russians pianists being very attuned to Schubert (even Horowitz made a hash of the late, great B♭ Sonata, on DG). The first set of Four Impromptus, D 899, is much loved and much recorded, so what does Bolkvadze have to add? Happily, she passes the bar insofar as her Schubert genuinely sounds like Schubert in its sensitivity, natural flow, and melodic grace. This is immediately apparent in her poised, tender reading of Impromptu No. 1 in C Minor.
I don’t hear Brendel’s refinement of touch, but I’m not sure that’s a lack; for all its fame, Brendel’s Schubert mostly strikes me as too cool and objective (although his Philips recording of the Impromptus is a standout). When an obscure pianist like Bolkvadze competes with great names, you wait for the moment when her imagination or technique falters in comparison. But it doesn’t. She builds the C-Minor Impromptu to a powerful climax that does justice to Richter’s impassioned Schubert, in fact.
Everything goes just as well in the remaining three pieces. In Impromptu No. 2 her left hand could spring the rhythm with more verve as the right hand is racing along. The middle section is considerably more forceful than the norm, but I count that a plus. This is a pianist with all the intrinsic style that the Russian school stands for, who also adds a lyricism and tenderness, beautifully exemplified in Impromptu No. 3’s enchanting melody, that even some illustrious Russian pianists didn’t possess.
It’s a delight to encounter, by chance, really, such a mature artist. Despite the chalk-and-cheese coupling of composers and the skimpy total timing, this recital disc is one to place on a short list of the year’s best. Clear, realistic piano sound; slimline cardboard packaging.
Piano News | Januar/Februar 1/2016 | Carsten Dürer | January 1, 2016
Wenn es zu den Sonaten Sergei Prokofiews kommt, muss der Interpret das Changieren zwischen Zynismus, Sarkasmus und lyrischer Ästhetik beherrschen, Gemütszustände wie Wut und Trauer zum Ausdruck bringen. Genau dies vermag die Georgierin Elisso Bolkvadze eindringlich! Ihre empathische Interpretation der 2. Sonate des jungen Prokofiew atmet den Geist der Zeit. Sie lässt dabei durchaus ihren eigenen Gedanken Raum, forciert und rafft Tempi, doch immer mit dem Blick, jede Nuance transparent mit gutem Klanggespür ins rechte Licht zu rücken. Das ist brillantes Spiel.Mehr lesen
www.artalinna.com | 1 décembre 2015 | Jean-Charles Hoffelé | December 1, 2015 Grand écart
Pas pour Elisso Bolkvadze que je suis si heureux de retrouver dans ce disque où elle fait le grand écart entre Prokofiev et Schubert. Son jeu ample, profond et pourtant alerte, ses timbres si nourris qu’elle hérita de Tatiana Nikolayeva, mais sa touche si fusante tombent parfaitement dans l’écriture iconoclaste qui fait tout le sel de cette grande Sonate – près de vingt minutes – constituée par quatre pièces de caractère dont il faut pouvoir capturer les humeurs. Mehr lesen
www.classical.net | 01.11.2015 | Robert Cummings | November 1, 2015
Graffman, Richter, Glemser and many others have offered fine accounts of this sonata, but this one by Bolkvadze is also a worthy entry, particularly notable for its highly imaginative third movement. Prokofiev mavens will certainly want this.Mehr lesen
www.ilcorrieremusicale.it | 14 ottobre 2015 | Santi Calabrò | October 14, 2015
Ai nostri giorni, tuttavia, Prokofiev non ha bisogno di essere legittimato: ormai viene unanimemente considerato un grande del Novecento, nessuno può metterlo in questione, e da un talento come la pianista georgiana Elisso Bolkvadze può arrivare perciò una chiave di lettura diversa.Mehr lesen
Gramophone | October 2015 | Patrick Rucker | October 1, 2015
Until now, the Georgian pianist Elisso Bolkvadze has recorded primarily for the Sony Classical Infinity Digital and Cascavelle labels. On her latestMehr lesen
Her approach to the opening of Prokofiev's 1912 Second Sonata is redolent of Scriabin – plush, full-sounding and rife with detail. The rhythmic vitality of the Scherzo becomes waylaid by explorations of colouristic ornament and the misty haze enveloping the slow movement feels more French than Russian. The moto perpetuo of the finale rattles along at a splendid clip until it too is bogged down in an expressively overgrown contrasting section. In place of Prokofiev's brightly unambiguous colours and rhythmic elan vital, we encounter over-stuffed decor and aching expressivity.
The Schubert Impromptus are prevailingly lyrical, though the rhetorical eloquence and emotional urgency of each is diminished by indecisive rhythmic underpinning. For all its admirably vivid contrasts, the C minor Impromptu seems to wander, uncertain of its ultimate goal. The E flat Impromptu comes off as more notey than•fleet, while the abandon of its contrasting section is impeded by undue focus on inner voices. The golden melody of the beloved G flat major threatens to come untethered and float into the ether for lack of an adequately anchoring bass.
Throughout the disc, Bolkvadze's undeniably sensitive playing moves note to note. We are invited to admire each tree, if not each individual leaf, heedless of the magnificent forest surrounding us. Combined with a certain stylistic ambiguity with regard to both composers, the result lacks a strong personal stamp, prompting the question of just how fully Bolkvadze inhabits the music she plays.
As for alternatives in this music, both Frederic Chiu (Harmonia Mundi - nla) and Anne-Marie McDermott's complete Prokofiev cycles are of sustaining interest and Pletnev has a great deal to say in the Second Sonata. In the more personal realm of Schubert preferences, the performances of D899 by Maria-Joao Pires, Imogen Cooper and Vassily Primakov are more compelling.
Pizzicato | 10/09/2015 | Guy Engels | September 10, 2015 Filigran und einfühlsam
Seit Januar ist die georgische Pianistin Elisso Bolkvadze UNESCO-Botschafterin für den Frieden. Nun hat sie die damals angekündigte Einspielung mitMehr lesen
Dies scheint jedoch nicht das Naturell der Künstlerin zu sein, die sich in Schuberts Impromptus vor allem von ihrer lyrischen Seite zeigt. Elisso Bolkvadze hat einen ganz entspannten Zugang zu Schubert – unaffektiert, ohne romantisches Brimborium. Ganz selbstverständlich perlt die Musik aus ihren Fingern in den Melodienkaskaden der Impromptus 2 und 4. Dazwischen setzt Elisso Bolkvadze mit kräftigeren Konturen die passenden Kontraste – etwa in der Beethovenschen Schicksalshaftigkeit von Impromptu 1 oder im Mittelteil von Impromptu 4.
Mostly lyrical and thoughtful performances, very suitable for Schubert, a bit to kind for Prokofiev. Yet, at the end, one has a very positive impression from the very sensitive Elisso Bolkvadze.
Pianiste | n° 94 Bimestriel septembre-octobre 2015 | S.F. | September 1, 2015
De Prokofiev, elle ressent l'oeuvre de manière viscérale. [...] Il est dommage que la discographie de cette artiste soit aussi peu étoffée ... Un album magnifique.Mehr lesen
Der neue Merker | September 2015 | Dr. Ingobert Waltenberger | September 1, 2015
Die große Überraschung der Neuerscheinung bilden [...] die vier wahrlich traumhaften gespielten Impromptus von Schubert. Bei allem experimentellen Gestus und verzweifelter Suche nach pianistischen Neuland der Komposition (der große Beethoven lässt grüßen) ist kaum eine heutig wienerischere Wiedergabe denkbar.Mehr lesen
Classica – le meilleur de la musique classique & de la hi-fi | n° 175 septembre 2015 | Stéphane Friedrich | September 1, 2015
De Prokofiev, elle ressent l'oeuvre de manière viscérale. [...] Il est dommage que la discographie de cette artiste soit aussi peu étoffée ... Un album magnifique.Mehr lesen
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The Russian school of pianism rolls forward like an Energizer Bösendorfer...
Wenn es zu den Sonaten Sergei Prokofiews kommt, muss der Interpret das...
My first encounter with Elisso Bolkvadze (b. 1967; Tbilisi, Georgia) was in 2012...
Until now, the Georgian pianist Elisso Bolkvadze has recorded primarily for the...
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