Reviews | 04.10.2016 | October 4, 2016 | source: |

Celebrated for their performances of the Viennese Classics, the Amadeus Quartet dominated the British chamber music scene for over 40 years and wasMehr lesen | October 3, 2016 | Rick Anderson | October 3, 2016 | source: https://cdhotlis... |

When you’re the emperor, your music gets published whether it’s any good or not. Nevertheless, there have been several monarchs who were also veryMehr lesen

Mezzo | 03.10.2016, 17:50 - 19:15 Uhr | October 3, 2016 | source: http://www.tvspi... |

Elisso Bolkvadze joue Mozart, Schubert, Sogny et Prokofiev
Sendebeleg siehe PDF!Mehr lesen

Hessischer Rundfunk | hr2 CD-Tipp am 3.10.16 | October 3, 2016 |

leider kein Sendebeleg verfügbar!Mehr lesen | 2. Oktober 2016 | October 2, 2016 | source: https://www.amaz... |

Customer Review: Excellent Performance and Sound
Excellent interpretation and performance by organist Hans-Eberhard Roß. The super-audio sound is riveting and filled with clarity. The Goll OrganMehr lesen

Fanfare | October 2016 | Peter Burwasser | October 1, 2016 |

This is the sixth and final volume of Audite’s survey of the complete symphonic works of Robert Schumann. As is often the case with suchMehr lesen

Fanfare | October 2016 | Peter Burwasser | October 1, 2016 |

This is the sixth and final volume of Audite’s survey of the complete symphonic works of Robert Schumann. As is often the case with suchMehr lesen

Record Geijutsu | October 2016 | October 1, 2016 |

Spezielle Empfehlung
Japanische Rezension siehe PDF!Mehr lesen | October 2016 | Stephen Greenbank | October 1, 2016 | source: |

I first became acquainted with the artistry of Maureen Forrester (1930-2010) from a 2 CD set issued by Vanguard Classics (SVC-64/65). It featured theMehr lesen

Fono Forum | Oktober 2016 | Reinmar Emans | October 1, 2016 |

Auch wenn der Anlass für die großformatige und mit 24 Stimmen für zwei Vokal- und drei Instrumentalchöre ausgesprochen üppig besetzte Messe nachMehr lesen

Record Geijutsu | Oct.2016 | October 1, 2016 |

Japanische Rezension siehe PDF!Mehr lesen | 01.10.2016 | Marcus Budwitius | October 1, 2016 | source: http://operaloun... |

Hochbarocke Überwältigung
Sakralmusik mit der Cappella Murensis bei audite
Das von Kirchenmusiker Johannes Strobl im aargauischen Muri 2002 gegründete Vokalensemble Cappella Murensis konzentriert sich auf Werke, die denMehr lesen

Fanfare | October 2016 | Huntley Dent | October 1, 2016 |

Whenever I confront a new Prokofiev CD—this issue of Fanfare brought four of them—his circumstances in the Soviet Union can’t help but come toMehr lesen

Gramophone | October 2016 | David Vickers | October 1, 2016 |

Emperor Leopold I (1640–1705) was one of the most musically minded of the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperors. His cultivation of Italianate musicalMehr lesen

Die Tonkunst | Oktober 2016, Nr. 4, Jg. 10 (2016) | Almut Jedicke | October 1, 2016 |

Der kosmopolitisch ausgebildete Georg Muffat, vertraut sowohl mit dem französischen wie dem italienischen Musikstil, ist in erster Linie alsMehr lesen

Fanfare | October 2016 | James Miller | October 1, 2016 |

Paul Kletzki was born in 1900 and died two weeks short of his 73rd birthday. A native of Poland, he moved to Germany in 1921 with the intention ofMehr lesen

Audio | 10/2016 | Laszlo Molnar | October 1, 2016 |

Die Cappella Murensis und das Label Audite haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, klangprächtige Musik des 17. Jahrhunderts in der Akustik der barockenMehr lesen

Stereo | 10/2016 Oktober | Reinmar Emans | October 1, 2016 |

Auch wenn der Anlass für die großformatige und mit 24 Stimmen für zwei Vokal- und drei Instrumentalchöre ausgesprochen üppig besetzte Messe nachMehr lesen

Fanfare | October 2016 | Martin Anderson | October 1, 2016 |

As usual (as if you remember these things from one year to the next), I’ll lead up to my final choices with a few deserving near-misses. I’llMehr lesen | September 28, 2016 | September 28, 2016 | source: http://www.mycla... |

I was hardly familiar with the chamber music by Camille Saint-Saens until I came across this new recording.<br /> <br /> For its latest CD featuring works byMehr lesen
