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Neuigkeit Oct 16, 2020 | Wencke Wallbaum News audite production on new longlist of German Record Critics' award (PdSK)

The quarterly and annual awards of the German Record Critics' Award (PdSK) are sought-after prices in the German music scene. The winners of the quarterly awards are included in the Quarterly Critics' Choice ("Bestenliste") of the German Record Critics' Award. The lists recommend new releases which merit special attention for the quality of interpretation and for their value to the repertoire. These lists provide a candid picture of new releases which, in the jury's opinion, are of outstanding importance when judged on purely artistic and audiophile grounds.

Neuigkeit Nov 18, 2020 | Wencke Wallbaum News 6 audite productions nominated for ICMA 2021

The International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) are the successors of the MIDEM Classical Awards respectively the Cannes Classical Awards. The ICMA jury consists of professional music critics of important magazines, online services and radio stations:
Andante (Turkey), Crescendo (Belgium), das Orchester (Germany), Deutsche Welle (Germany), Gramofon (Hungary), IMZ (Austria), MDR Kultur (Germany), Musica (Italy), Musical Life (Russland), Musik & Theater (Switzerland), Opera (UK), Orpheus Radio (Russia), Pizzicato (Luxembourg), Polskie Radio Chopin (Poland), Radio 100,7 (Luxembourg), Radio România Muzical  (Romania), Resmusica.com (France), Rondo Classic (Finland), Scherzo (Spain), and Unison (Croatia).

The finalists will be known by December 15, and the ICMA winners will be published on 20 January 2021. The Award Ceremony and Gala concert will take place in Vaduz, Switzerland, on 18 April 2021, with the Sinfonieorchester Liechtenstein conducted by Yaron Traub.

The following audite productions were nominated:

Solo Music:

Andrea Lucchesini

Symphonic Music:

Staatskapelle Weimar | Knabenchor der Jenaer Philharmonie | Damen des Opernchores des Deutschen Nationaltheaters Weimar
Kirill Karabits

Chamber Music:

Franziska Pietsch | Josu De Solaun

Jacques Thibaud String Trio


Paul Tortelier | Klaus Billing | Lothar Broddack

LUCERNE FESTIVAL Historic Performances
Armin Jordan
Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
Felicity Lott

Neuigkeit Jan 21, 2021 | Wencke Wallbaum News ICMA for Franziska Pietsch, Josu De Solaun & audite

​​Also in 2021 audite is honoured with an International Classical Music Award (ICMA). The winner in the category "Chamber Music" is Fantasque with Franziska Pietsch (violin) and Josu De Solaun (piano).

Statement of the jury: "From La Belle Époque to the years of World War II, the violin sonatas on this CD reflect the moods and whims of fast-changing times. Franziska Pietsch and Josu de Solaun explore the under currents of Fauré's bitter-sweet romanticism, let Ravel's colours sparkle, and enjoy their ride through Poulenc's frenzy. They bring a fresh sense of boldness and eloquence to well-known pieces."

After numerous enthusiastic reviews and awards from the international press, the production receives with the ICMA now one of the most important awards of the international music scene. We are very happy about this recognition!

The Award Ceremony and Gala Concert will take place in Vaduz, Switzerland, on 27 June 2021, with the Sinfonieorchester Liechtenstein conducted by Yaron Traub.

The members of the ICMA jury are without exception professional music critics of important magazines, online services and radio stations: Andante (Turkey), Crescendo (Belgium), das Orchester (Germany), Deutsche Welle (Germany), Gramofon (Hungary), IMZ (Austria), MDR Kultur (Germany), Musica (Italy), Musical Life (Russland), Musik & Theater (Switzerland), Opera (UK), Orpheus Radio (Russia), Pizzicato (Luxembourg), Polskie Radio Chopin (Poland), Radio 100,7 (Luxembourg), Radio România Muzical (Romania), Resmusica.com (France), Rondo Classic (Finland), Scherzo (Spain), and Unison (Croatia).

Neuigkeit Apr 19, 2021 | Wencke Wallbaum News Two audite productions on new longlist of German Record Critics' award (PdSK)

The quarterly and annual awards of the German Record Critics' Award (PdSK) are sought-after prices in the German music scene. The winners of the quarterly awards are included in the Quarterly Critics' Choice ("Bestenliste") of the German Record Critics' Award. The lists recommend new releases which merit special attention for the quality of interpretation and for their value to the repertoire. These lists provide a candid picture of new releases which, in the jury's opinion, are of outstanding importance when judged on purely artistic and audiophile grounds.

Neuigkeit May 17, 2021 | Wencke Wallbaum News & Rezension German Record Critics’ Award for organ production with Jean-Baptiste Dupont

The quarterly and annual awards of the German Record Critics' Award are sought-after prices in the German music scene. The winners of the quarterly awards are included in the Quarterly Critics' Choice ("Bestenliste") of the German Record Critics' Award. The lists recommend new releases which merit special attention for the quality of interpretation and for their value to the repertoire. These lists provide a candid picture of new releases which, in the jury's opinion, are of outstanding importance when judged on purely artistic and audiophile grounds.

Statement of the Jury:

Mit einer Spieldauer von - je nach Fassung - bis zu einer Stunde ist sie die längste und komplizierteste aller Orgelsymphonien von Widor: seine Achte. Jean-Baptiste Dupont, Titularorganist an der Kathedrale von Bordeaux, schafft es, dieses Monument französischer Orgelromantik überschaubar, ja stellenweise kammermusikalisch-kompakt wirken zu lassen. Er spielt dramatisch, forsch, mit einem tiefen lyrischen Empfinden, und sorgt zugleich für jene musikalische Klarheit, die der »Grandeur« dieser Musik zur Ehre gereicht. Die Cavaillé-Coll-Orgel von St. Sernin in Toulouse sowie die exzellente Tontechnik tun ihr Übriges. Eine herausragende Aufnahme, eine wahre Sternstunde der Orgelsymphonik!"

(Für die Jury: Guido Krawinkel)

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