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Ensemble piano, conductor Géza Anda

Géza Anda
was born in Budapest on November 19, 1921. He studied with Ernst von Dohnányi and Zoltan Kodály at the Budapest Academy of Music, and won the Liszt Prize in 1940. A year later, shortly after playing Brahms under Mengelberg, he made his debut in the Berlin Philharmonie, where Furtwängler dubbed him "the troubador of the piano". He was only 20 - and had already begun to teach piano. In 1943 he settled in Switzerland. From 1953 to 1955 he gave a masterclass at the International Summer Academy of the Mozarteum in Salzburg, and in 1960 he succeeded Edwin Fischer as director of the Lucerne Masterclasses. From 1969 he taught in Zurich. He died on 13 June 1976. Three years later, the first Concours Géza Anda was held, with the aim of encouraging a younger generation of pianists to develop in Anda's spirit.

Anda's early bravura displays in the Liszt, Franck, Tchaikovsky and Rakhmaninov repertoire, his pioneering Bartók interpretations, and his brilliantly captivating Chopin - all had the same power of expression as his performances of the German Romantics. His musical, technical and spiritual insights were based on a forging of form and substance within each work, as notable in Beethoven as in Schubert, Schumann and Brahms. It was his aproach that gave Anda's playing its renowned clarity, it lay at the heart of his "festive temperament". Thanks to Clara Haskil's encouragement, it also influenced his approach to Mozart.

From 1952 until his death, Anda made a solo appearance every year at the Salzburg Festival - a record matched by no other concert artist in Mozart's birthplace. He directed Mozart concertos from the keyboard with the Camerata Acadmica, and took it on tour. With the same ensemble he became the first interpreter to record all Mozart's piano concertos, an achievement which brought him numerous gramophone awards. For 16 of the 27 concertos, Anda wrote his own cadenzas.

Géza Anda's repertoire matched the breadth of his public. What people heard was a style of playing that struck to the human core of all great music.

Further information about his discography and "Anda's musical spirit" on www.gezaanda.ch.

Ensemble piano Sergej Koudriakov


Born in Moscow in 1978, Sergey Koudriakov began his studies at the Gnessin School in Moscow. He signed on at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory in 1995, where he studied in Prof. M. Voskresensky's class. After the diploma in 2000, he participated in a two-year post-diploma course under his longstanding teacher, whose assistant he now is in Moscow.

Among Koudriakov's numerous awards and prizes at international competitions are first prizes at the 2002 Concours de Genève, at the 2004 Gaetano Zinetti chamber music competition in Verona, partnering violist Ilya Hoffman and at the 2006 Concours Géza Anda in Zurich, where he was also awarded the Mozart Prize.

Koudriakov has performed in Russia, in numerous European countries as well as in Japan and the United States. He has appeared with well-known orchestras, such as the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, the Zurich Tonhalle Orchestra, the Moscow Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra, the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, the Bremen Philharmonic, the Belgrade Philharmonic, the Berne Symphony Orchestra, the St . Petersburg Symphony Orchestra, the Lieapaja Symphony Orchestra, the Vienna Chamber Orchestra under conductors such as Vladimir Fedoseyev, Philippe Entremont, Franco Trinca, Ari Rasilainen, Rolf Gupta, Eliahu Inbal, Christian Mandeal, Imants Resnis, Andrej Boreyko, Theodor Guschlbauer and others. For the coming seasons he has concerts planned with the Orchester Musikkollegium Winterthur conducted by Alan Buribayev, the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra under Naoto Otomo and the Symphony Orchestra St. Gallen (Antoni Wit), Olmütz Mährischen Philharmonic (Volker Schmidt-Gertenbach).

The recital, orchestra and chamber music repertoire of Koudriakov is extensive, ranging from baroque to contemporary music. He has been engaged, or is due to be engaged, at a variety of festivals including: the Festival of Radio France in Montpellier, the Orpheum-Musikfesttage in Zurich, the Lago Maggiore Festival (Italy), the Ruhr Piano Festival, the Moscow Easter Festival, the Moscow Autumn, the Lucerne Festival, the Cesky Krumlov Summer Festival, the Montreux Festival, the International Warsaw Piano Festival, the Festival Nomus in Novi Sad, the Festival Virtuosos of the Planet in Kiev, the Festivals of Chiemsee, Cervo , Deutschlandsberg and Ascona.

A sought-after performer in diverse chamber music formations, Koudriakov has played alongside with pianists Alexander Ghindin, Cyprien Katsaris, Konstantin Lifschitz, cellist Denis Shapovalov, violist Ilya Hoffman and other well-known musicians.

He has recorded a number of CD's with solo and chamber music, the last release is Schubert CD with the Sonata in D major op. 53 and the 3 piano pieces with the Audite Label (92.546).


Der 1978 in Moskau geborene Sergey Koudriakov begann bei Valentina Aristova seine Ausbildung an der Gnessin-Musikschule. 1995 trat er ins Moskauer Tschaikowsky-Konservatorium über, wo er in der Meisterklasse von Prof. M. Voskresensky studierte. Nach dem Diplom folgte 2000 ein zweijähriger Nachdiplomkurs bei seinem langjährigen Lehrer. Heute ist er dessen Assistent in Moskau.
Koudriakov erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen und Preise bei internationalen Wettbewerben; erste Preise gewann er 2002 beim Concours de Genève, 2004 zusammen mit dem Bratschisten Ilya Hoffman beim Gaetano Zinetti-Kammermusikwettbewerb von Verona und 2006 beim Concours Géza Anda in Zürich, wo ihm die Jury auch den Mozart-Preis zugesprochen hatte.

Koudriakov trat und tritt in Russland, in vielen Ländern Europas, in Japan und den USA auf. Er spielte mit namhaften Orchestern, wie dem Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, dem Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, dem Moskauer Tschaikowsky Symphony Orchestra, dem Moskauer Symphony Orchestra, den Bremer Philharmonikern, dem Berner Symphonieorchester, dem St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra, dem Belgrader Philharmonischen Orchester, dem National Honoured Academic Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, dem Wiener Kammerorchester unter Dirigenten wie Vladimir Fedoseyev, Philippe Entremont, Franco Trinca, Ari Rasilainen, Eliahu Inbal, Rolf Gupta, Theodor Guschlbauer, Christian Mandeal, Andrej Boreyko, Victor Syrenko und anderen. Geplant sind für die kommenden Saisons u.a. Konzerte mit dem Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, dem Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana, dem Sinfonieorchester St. Gallen und Tourneen mit dem Orchester Musikkollegium Winterthur (Alan Buribayev) und der Mährischen Philharmonie von Olomuc (Volker Schmidt-Gertenbach).

Koudriakovs Rezital-, Orchester- und Kammermusik-Repertoire ist umfangreich und reicht von der barocken bis hin zur zeitgenössischen Musik. Zu hören war und ist er im Rahmen von verschiedensten Festivals. Es sind dies z.B. das Festival de Radio France in Montpellier, Orpheum-Musikfesttage in Zürich, Lago Maggiore (Italien), Klavierfestival Ruhr Osterfestival Moskau, Moskauer Herbst, Lucerne Festival und die Festivals von Aschau, Cesky Krumlov, Montreux, Novi Sad, Kiev, Warschau, Deutschlandsberg, Ascona und Cervo.

In verschiedenen Kammermusikformationen tritt Koudriakov gerne mit dem Pianisten Alexander Ghindin, dem Cellisten Denis Shapovalov, dem Bratschisten Ilya Hoffman und dem Geiger Nikolay Sachenko auf.

Bei Audite ist soeben eine Schubert-CD mit der Sonate in D-Dur und den 3 Klavierstücken erschienen (Audite 92.546)

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