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audite Musikproduktion
Hülsenweg 7
D-32760 Detmold
92652 - Polychoral Splendour
97539 - Georg Muffat: Missa in labore requies & Church Sonatas by Bertali, Schmelzer & Biber
97539 - Georg Muffat: Missa in labore requies & Church Sonatas by Bertali, Schmelzer & Biber
Georg Muffat: Missa in labore requies & Church Sonatas by Bertali, Schmelzer & Biber
Georg Muffat
The Guardian - 4/5 Sterne
International Classical Music Awards - ICMA - Nomination 2017
Musik und Kirche - Aufnahme: 5/5 Sternen
Audio - Audio Klangtipp
Stereoplay - Klangtipp
RBB Kulturradio - 5/5
Pizzicato - Supersonic
Chorzeit - das Vokalmagazin - Ensembleklang, Interpretation & Repertoire: 4/5
Organ - 4/5 Pfeifen
Stereo - CD des Monats neu
klassik.com - Interpretation: 5/5 Sternen
Pizzicato - 4/5 Noten
International Classical Music Awards - ICMA - WINNER
Diapason - 5 de Diapason
www.musicweb-international.com - Recording of the Month