
Jul 10, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann | News Quartetto di Cremona on air in WDR 3 TonArt

​​On Tuesday, July 10th 2018, the new 8 SACD boxed set of Beethoven's Complete String Quartets with the Quartetto di Cremona will be presented in the classical radio program "WDR 3 TonArt". Within the broadcasting time from 15:04 PM to 17:45 PM the Quartetto di Cremona will be presented in the second program hour following the 16:00 PM news from 16:04 PM on; the presentation will include a full broadcast of the F Minor String Quartet, Op.95.

Jul 10, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann | News Quartetto di Cremona at Tower Records in Tokyo

​The performance of the Quartetto di Cremona at the instore live event at Tower Records in Shibuya, a city district of Tokyo, on July 7th 2018 was a great success! The ensemble played movements 1, 2 & 4 from Beethoven's String Quartet No. 8 and talked in the interviews about their CD recordings, Beethoven and the Complete Edition of his string quartets. The event took place on the occasion of the release of the 8 SACD boxed set of this edition in Japan.

A big thank you to our Japanese distribution partner King International who organized this and all  other events around the QdC's concert tour in Japan so well and with such great care!

Jul 5, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann | News Bryan Cheng : 2nd prize in TONALi Competition 2018

​Bryan Cheng won 2nd prize and the David Geringas Special Prize in the prestigious TONALi Cello Competition 2018. In addition, he was awarded the Special Prize of the Hamburgische Vereinigung von  Freunden der Kammermusik for an outstanding chamber music round. In the sold out finals, Bryan Cheng concertized with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen under Joshua Weilerstein in the Great Hall of the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie. Congratulations!!

Jul 3, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann | News Quartetto di Cremona in Japan

​From July 2nd to 6th the Quartetto di Cremona is touring in Japan. In four concerts in Tokyo, Yokohama and Nagoya they perform works by Mozart, Schumann Webern, Puccini, Respighi, Vacchi... and of course Beethoven!! Each program includes a Beethoven String Quartet, also as a tribute to their outstanding Beethoven Edition at audite and as a celebration of the 8 SACD boxed set of this special edition which has  just been released. In Japan, the boxed set is available also in a Japanese version.
On the occasion of the concerts and the box release audite's Japanese distributor King International organized interviews, CD events and concert sales. Today the Quartetto di Cremona is guest of King International for six interviews which are being held in the offices of King International.

Jun 19, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann | News CD Presentation SEVEN

​On July 6th, audite will release SEVEN, the second audite album with Hansjörg Fink (trombone) and Elmar Lehnen (Seifert Organ of the Marienbasilika Kevelaer). The CD Presentation will take place on Wednesday, July 4th 2018 in the Basilika Kevelaer, Germany (introduction, concert, discussion):

Jun 11, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann | News SPIEGEL ONLINE: Kirill Karabits with Richard Strauss

​Karabits' new Strauss recording with the Staatskapelle Weimar was presented on SPIEGEL ONLINE yesterday, Sunday June 10th 2018. We are very happy about the positive review!

May 4, 2018 | Wencke Wallbaum | News | Rezension | Award | Release | Artists SUPERSONIC for Karabits and the Staatskapelle Weimar

​The recently released production Richard Strauss: Macbeth, Don Juan, Tod und Verklärung & Festmarsch in C with the Staatskapelle Weimar under the baton of Kirill Karabits has been awarded a SUPERSONIC by the Luxembourg trade magazin Pizzicato.
Reviewer Remy Franck praises the recording as an unforgettable experience and emphasizes in addition to the outstanding interpretation by Karabits and the Staatskapelle also the excellent recording technique by audite.

We are very happy about this appreciation of competent music critics!

Apr 17, 2018 | Wencke Wallbaum | News Organist Elmar Lehnen presents his new audite project

​At the moment organist Elmar Lehnen and trombonist Hansjörg Fink are recording their second common audite project "Seven" (aud. 97.737) at the papal basilica of St. Marien in Kevelaer.
In an interview, Elmar Lehnen answered the questions of the Rheinische Post and reveals the background to this project, which is expected to be released on CD on July 4th. Here you can read the full interview!

Mar 23, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann | News Marc Coppey: Winner of the Violoncello Foundation's Listeners' Choice Award

Marc Coppey's recording of Dvořák's Cello Concerto and Bloch's Schelomo is the Winner of the Violoncello Foundation's Listeners' Choice Award! The outstanding recording with Kirill Karabits and the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin (DSO Berlin) also received numerous excellent, international reviews. In Particular the thrilling interpretation of the frequently played and recorded Dvořák Concerto has convinced: „This is undoubtedly one of the finest versions of this much-recorded work to date." (The Strad)

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