Adalbert Gyrowetz was self-taught as a violinist, pianist and organist. He received a comprehensive humanistic education and spoke the current languages of his time. Following his studies in Prague, his life seems to have been an endless wandering through all the European musical centres of the...more

"The ensemble playing and recording quality backed up by a very competent team of string players; as an ensemble they deserve to be better known in this country." (Early Music Review)
Adalbert Gyrowetz: Flute Quartets op. 11, Nos. 1-3 | |
article number: | 20.013 |
EAN barcode: | 4022143200136 |
price group: | BCA |
release date: | 1. January 1993 |
total time: | 60 min. |
Adalbert Gyrowetz was self-taught as a violinist, pianist and organist. He received a comprehensive humanistic education and spoke the current languages of his time. Following his studies in Prague, his life seems to have been an endless wandering through all the European musical centres of the period. These stations included Brno, Vienna, Rome, Marseille, Lyon, Paris and London. He performed together with Haydn at the Salomon Concerts in the last-mentioned city. In spite of his great success in London, he returned to the continent. Via Brussels, Paris, Berlin, Dresden and Prague he ended up in Vienna again, where he finally settled. In 1804 Gyrowetz took over the post of composer and court Kapellmeister at the Royal Imperial Court Theatre in Vienna, remaining there until 1831.
Alongside numerous sacred works, 40 symphonies and concertos by Gyrowetz have been preserved, as well as a large chamber music repertoire for the most diverse ensemble combinations. His compositional style is oriented on his great model Joseph Haydn. The melodic line is often folkloristic, strongly influenced by Czech folk music. His Flute Quartets, reissued here, are three-movement works. They all begin with an Allegro followed by a slow movement and a light, melodic Rondo. They are written in a straightforward and very elegant style, making effective use of the flute's popularity with amateurs and professional musicians of their time.
Kulturspiegel | 2/97 | Andreas Waczkat | February 1, 1997
[...] mit sehr viel Sorgfalt widmen sich die vier Musiker den Werken und leuchten sie mit einer sprechenden, facettenreichen Phrasierung aus. Eine ausgesprochen elegante Klanggestaltung und hohe Perfektion im Zusammenspiel machen das Zuhören zum Vergnügen.Mehr lesen
Alte Musik Aktuell | April '95 | Johan van Veen | April 1, 1995
Das Ensemble Agora hat eine sehr schöne und verspielte Aufnahme vorgelegt: technisch einwandfrei, lebendig und abwechslungsreich. Die Stücke bieten klassische Unterhaltungsmusik auf hohem Niveau.Mehr lesen
Bonner Generalanzeiger | 1. Quartal '95 | src | January 1, 1995
Mit Engagement, Spielfreude und differenziertem musikalischen Gestaltungsvermögen haben sie eine wahre Rarität eingespielt.Mehr lesen
Audio | Jan '95 | stl | January 1, 1995
Dieses Barock-Ensemble aus Köln scheut sich nicht vor der Auseinandersetzung mit Werken unbekannter Kleinmeister wie Adalbert Gyrowetz: DessenMehr lesen
Concerto | Nr. 98, Nov. 1994 | Christian Schruff | November 1, 1994
Das Ergebnis bereitet pures Vergnügen. Denn man bekommt eine sorgfältig gearbeitete, musikalisch inspirierte Aufnahme mit einem homogenen Ensemble zu hören.Mehr lesen
Der in Böhmen geborene Komponist Adalbert Gyrowetz, ein ungefährer Zeitgenosse...
Adalbert Gyrowetz (1763-1850) war in seiner Zeit angesehener Komponist, der fast...
Adalbert Gyrowetz, der in den Jahren 1790 bis 1830 außerordentlich beliebt war...
"Ich war nur ein Talent, das von Glück sagen muß, wenn es sich die Gegenwart...
Dieses Barock-Ensemble aus Köln scheut sich nicht vor der Auseinandersetzung...