Giovanni Tomaso Albinoni | Johann Gottfried Walther | Henry Purcell | Giovanni Battista Martini | Alessandro Stradella | Giuseppe Torelli | Georg Philipp Telemann
"Bernhard Kratzer [...] is a strong player whose incisive tone is often nicely rounded. His light articulations, interesting ornaments, dynamic shapes, and meaningful phrases make this a very enjoyable recording." (American Record Guide)
Virtuose Baroque Trumpet Music Vol. I | |
article number: | 20.001 |
EAN barcode: | 4022143200013 |
price group: | BCA |
release date: | 1. January 1991 |
total time: | 54 min. |
American Record Guide | 2/2000 | Barry Kilpatrick | March 1, 2000
Bernhard Kratzer, a member of the Wurttemberg Theater orchestra in Stuttgart, is a strong player whose incisive tone is often nicely rounded. HisMehr lesen
Bernhard Kratzer, a member of the Wurttemberg Theater orchestra in Stuttgart, is a strong player whose incisive tone is often nicely rounded. His light articulations, interesting ornaments, dynamic shapes, and meaningful phrases make this a very enjoyable recording. Monika Nuber is an excellent accompanist, and the Standner organ of Villingen Cathedral sounds big yet clear.
This is my first exposure to the little Sonata al\' Postcommunio by GB Martini, the concerto by Johann Gottfried Walther, the Sinfonia from II Barcheggio by Alessandro Stradella, and the suite by Purcell. The Martini Toccata and the concertos by Albinoni, Torelli, and Telemann are standard fare, but Kratzer does personal things-such as some ethereal high-register work in the gorgeous Adagio of the Torelli- that make them seem quite fresh.
This is my first exposure to the little Sonata al\' Postcommunio by GB Martini, the concerto by Johann Gottfried Walther, the Sinfonia from II Barcheggio by Alessandro Stradella, and the suite by Purcell. The Martini Toccata and the concertos by Albinoni, Torelli, and Telemann are standard fare, but Kratzer does personal things-such as some ethereal high-register work in the gorgeous Adagio of the Torelli- that make them seem quite fresh.
Bernhard Kratzer, a member of the Wurttemberg Theater orchestra in Stuttgart, is a strong player whose incisive tone is often nicely rounded. His
Fono Forum | 05/2002 | Christoph Vratz
"Virtuose Trompetenmusik des Barock" heißt eine Aufnahme mit Bernhard Kratzer und Monika Nuber aus dem Münster von Villingen. SoliditätMehr lesen
"Virtuose Trompetenmusik des Barock" heißt eine Aufnahme mit Bernhard Kratzer und Monika Nuber aus dem Münster von Villingen. Solidität allenthalben. Apollinische Klarheit herrscht vor allem dort, wo das Pedal der Orgel den spitzen Tönen der Trompete gegenübertritt. Hier entstehen spannende Brücken zwischen Starre und Beweglichkeit. Der "Entrée" in Henry Purcells Suite fehlt es gewiss nicht an Würde, dafür aber einem höheren Grad von Eindringlichkeit. Umso munterer verläuft der Dialog in Martinis "Toccata" mit einem sehr nachdrücklichen Schlussakkord.
"Virtuose Trompetenmusik des Barock" heißt eine Aufnahme mit Bernhard Kratzer und Monika Nuber aus dem Münster von Villingen. Solidität
Oct 23, 2012
Veröffentlichung von besonderer interpretatorischer Bedeutung - Virtuose Baroque Trumpet Music Vol. I
Mar 7, 2005
American Record Guide
Bernhard Kratzer, a member of the Wurttemberg Theater orchestra in Stuttgart, is...
Bernhard Kratzer, a member of the Wurttemberg Theater orchestra in Stuttgart, is...
Mar 7, 2005
Fono Forum
"Virtuose Trompetenmusik des Barock" heißt eine Aufnahme mit Bernhard Kratzer...
"Virtuose Trompetenmusik des Barock" heißt eine Aufnahme mit Bernhard Kratzer...