
Gramophone | April 2018 | Jeremy Nicholas | April 1, 2018 | source: https://www.gram... |

The repertoire is all Liszt. Bolet was one of the finest of all Liszt players. Liszt was the composer who, as we have noted before, made his nameMehr lesen

hifi & records | 2/2018 | Uwe Steiner | April 1, 2018 |

Auch mit diesen SACDs bestätigt Audite seine Vorrangstellung bei der Wiederveröffentlichung historischer Aufnahmen: Erstmals wurden die bekanntenMehr lesen

Radio Coteaux | 01 Avril 2018 | April 1, 2018 | source: |

Sendebeleg siehe PDF!Mehr lesen

BBC Music Magazine | 2/2018 | Erik Levi | April 1, 2018 |

Wilhelm Furtwängler's intellectually and emotionally penetrating Lucerne Festival Beethoven and Schumann performances (with the Swiss FestivalMehr lesen

Fono Forum | April 2018 | Thomas Schulz | April 1, 2018 |

,,100 Jahre Kommunismus" – so lautete das Motto des Kunstfests Weimar im vergangenen Jahr. Da lag es auf der Hand, ein Werk aufs Programm zu setzen,Mehr lesen

BBC Music Magazine | 2/2018 | Erik Levi | April 1, 2018 |

Wilhelm Furtwängler's intellectually and emotionally penetrating Lucerne Festival Beethoven and Schumann performances (with the Swiss FestivalMehr lesen

Diapason | N° 667 AVRIL 2018 | Laurent Muraro | April 1, 2018 | source: http://www.clicm... |

Bolet avant Bolet (comprenez avant le récital mythique de Carnegie Hall) nous est désormais mieux connu, songeons seulement aux volumes récentsMehr lesen

musica Dei donum | April 2018 | Johan van Veen | April 1, 2018 | source: |

The popularity of Handel's works written under the influence of the Italian style have largely overshadowed his compositions on German text. He didn'tMehr lesen | Le 26 mars 2018 | Frédéric Muñoz | March 26, 2018 | source: http://www.resmu... |

Wilhelm Furtwängler au Festival de Lucerne
Découvrir encore à ce jour des enregistrements, inconnus ou presque, des concerts dirigés par Wilhelm Futwängler peut tenir du miracle. EtMehr lesen

Klassik heute | 24.03.2018 | Christof Jetzschke | March 24, 2018 | source: http://www.klass... |

Eine „Begegnung auf Augenhöhe“ – so bezeichnet Michael Struck-Schloen in seinem lesenswerten Booklet-Text das Miteinander von Violine undMehr lesen | Thursday March 22nd | Dan Morgan | March 22, 2018 | source: |

Recorded a hundred years after the seismic event it celebrates, this piece finds Kirill Karabits in a very different world to that of Kara Karayev,Mehr lesen

Audiophile Audition | 21/03/2018 | Gary Lemco | March 21, 2018 |

The complete concert from the Kunsthaus, Lucerne 26 August 1953 comes as a streak of lightning from the archives of recorded music, featuring aMehr lesen

Audiophile Audition | 21/03/2018 | Gary Lemco | March 21, 2018 | source: http://www.audau... |

The complete concert from the Kunsthaus, Lucerne 26 August 1953 comes as a streak of lightning from the archives of recorded music, featuring aMehr lesen | March 2018 | David Hurwitz | March 20, 2018 | source: https://www.clas... |

None of these performances constitute essential Furtwängler, not even the newly discovered Schumann Manfred Overture. We already have a perfectlyMehr lesen

Asahi Shimbun | 15.03.2018 | March 15, 2018 |

Japanische Rezension siehe PDF!Mehr lesen | 13. März 2018 | March 13, 2018 | source: https://www.amaz... |

Beautiful, spacious readings of Prokofiev
There have been quite a few recordings of these wonderful concertos lately, but these are quite excellent. Pietsch and Macelaru play them beautifullyMehr lesen | Monday March 12th | Roy Westbrook | March 12, 2018 | source: |

Martin Rasch is a German pianist born in 1974 who studied with Gerhard Oppitz and others in Munich. He professes a penchant for the live performanceMehr lesen | Thursday March 8th | Marc Rochester | March 8, 2018 | source: |

In 1936 Prokofiev settled permanently in the Soviet Union having fled in the wake of the October Revolution of 1917. The general line is that he hadMehr lesen | Tuesday March 6th | Richard Kraus | March 6, 2018 | source: |

Franziska Pietsch, a one-time East German prodigy, has followed a fine, rather dark reading of Prokofiev’s two violin sonatas with an equallyMehr lesen

Image Hifi | 3/2018 | Heinz Gelking | March 1, 2018 |

Violine und Kontrabass – auch keine Kombination, der man an jeder Ecke begegnet. Die Moderne liebt solche Kontraste. Alle sieben Duos, die ElinaMehr lesen
