Ihre Suchergebnisse (9832 gefunden)

Neuigkeit Aug 19, 2006 News Awards for edition of César Francks organ works

All three volumes were CD of the month in the German music magazine Stereo and in the Polish music magazine Muzyka21. FonoForum and Musik & Kirche awarded five stars to all three parts. Vol. II and Vol. III received four tuning forks from Diapsaon and all five notes from Pizzicato. And Vol. I was even awarded a 5 de Diapason! Read yourself in the reviews what makes this complete edition so interesting.

Neuigkeit Aug 19, 2006 News Mandelring Quartet in Canada

On July 23rd the Mandelring Quartett presented string quartets by Haydn, Shostakovitch and Brahms at the Ottawa Chamber Music Festival, on July 24th works by Mozart, Ligeti and Schubert. Both concerts were very successful.

The Shostakovitch String Quartet No. 3 from the concert will be available at audite soon when the second volume of the complete edition of Shostakovtch’s String Quartets will be released. Already now available is Vol. I with the String Quartets No. 1, No. 2 and No. 4.

Neuigkeit Aug 19, 2006 News Komitas – the special discovery in September

You can look forward to a very special new release in September: The soprano Hasmik Papian and the pianist Vardan Mamikonian present with „Hommage à Komitas“ Armenian and German Songs from Komitas.

The Armenian monk Komitas, collected hundreds of folksongs around 1900 during the course of his travels through the Armenian highlands. He set a portion of his collected folk melodies as arts songs. Together with some German songs written by him this SACD presents this cultural treasure for the first time to a wider audience.
You’ll be captivated by these gripping Lieder, so typical of the Christian-Armenian identity on the point of intersection between Orient and Occident, which tell of majestic mountains and of longing for the lost homeland, of the profound and ever-continuing suffering of this people, as well as of love.

The special musical content is also reflected in the exclusive appearance of the SACD, which is also visually convincing with its hard-cover packaging and golden foil embossing – sure signs of high quality and elegance. The SACD will be available in September.

Neuigkeit Aug 31, 2006 News audite stays with SACD-format

from pizzicato 6/2006


Ludger Böckenhoff of Audite remains firmly convinced by the SACD. After years of being disgruntled, the classic labels are now looking into the future somewhat more optimistically. Not only did sales of their products not continue to decrease in 2005, but they even rose slightly. One of the great hopes of the field was the Super Audio Disc, SACD, with Surround Sound, which guarantees a new, improved listening comfort. The major labels have now unfortunately abandoned this direction because they are waiting for a new format with yet more storage capacity, the Blue Ray Disc. Others stand firmly by the SACD, and one of these label heads is Ludger Böckenhoff of Audite. Rémy Franck had the following conversation with him.

SACD is still in the picture and you are one of the defenders of this format. On the other hand, one hears that other labels are already abandoning ship. Do you still believe in the SACD format?

It is the so-called major labels that are now slowly but surely dropping their original support of this format, probably because the next sound-carrier format – the Blue Ray Disc - is already very openly being worked on. That is without doubt a business interest, of course, an interest which applies to the much larger video market. For video, a new format with a much higher data quantity could really be a necessity; for me, as the person responsible for a purely audio music publishing company, everything that goes beyond the SACD is, at the moment, a step backwards. The SACD is easy to use, it allows for reproduction of six audio channels at an unbelievably high standard where nothing is lost – you surely can’t beat that with still denser formats. When new formats are forced into the music field, consumers will look back onto the period of the SACD with wistful nostalgia, a time of plug and play in the best sense of the words. But things haven’t gone that far yet, and even if the majors are no longer making SACDs, there are nonetheless very heavyweight labels that stand by it firmly. Besides all this, the reception of a CD is considerably worse than that of an SACD. The cliché of the throwaway medium is associated with the CD, and that is fortunately not true of the SACD!

Is the success of the SACD as such, then, already visible on the market, are your sales higher because you produce SACDs?

That varies widely from market to market, from region to region. In America, for example, the SACD is quite successful. The clients in Europe react in very different ways. Germany is certainly also a positive market for this kind of sound carrier, whereas other countries take to it less enthusiastically.

Have you been able to find out on what kind of system people listen to classical SACDs? Are they usually copied onto home cinema systems or do many people already have high quality Surround systems?

I don’t have any verifiable statistics! Let’s be realistic: probably 98% of our SACDs are played on normal CD players, with a number of these on the alarm clock-radio in the bedroom or on the kitchen radio and the rest on the stereo system. But that can’t keep me, as a producer, from offering a medium that is capable of delivering maximum quality. And that is the SACD!

And the Surround effect is for you, as always, a clear advantage: many people probably don’t know what they’re missing when they haven’t heard Surround, do they?

Well, I remain convinced by Surround, as much as ever! But you mustn’t view it in isolation from the content, from the programme and its interpretation. Surround by itself is of no use if the music itself is not of high quality.

Neuigkeit Sep 21, 2006 News And the winner is…

At this year’s ARD competition in Munich audite-artist Hisako Kawamura won the second prize!

Additionally she was awarded the Special Prize for the best interpretation of the commissioned work “Deux Préludes” composed by Manfred Trojahn; the prize is provided by the Alice Rosner Fondation.

At audite Hisako Kawamura produced Piano works by Robert Schumann (Faschingsschwank aus Wien, Fantasiebilder op. 26) and Franz Schubert (Sonata in A major, D 959).

Congratulations from the audite-team!

Neuigkeit Nov 3, 2006 News Award for audite production

Our production “Schubert String Quartets Vol. III” with the Mandelring Quartet was included in the Quarterly Critics’ Choice (“Bestenliste”) of the German Record Critics’ Award (“Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik”).

The lists recommend new releases which merit special attention for the quality of interpretation and for their value to the repertoire. These lists provide a candid picture of new releases which, in the jury’s opinion, are of outstanding importance when judged on purely artistic and audiophile grounds.

Each recording of the Schubert series with the Mandelring Quartet combines a renowned quartet with a less known work: On Vol. III you find the famous quartet in G major D 887 (op. post. 161), on Vol. II the quartet in A minor D. 804, Op. 29 (“Rosamunde”) and on Vol. I the quartet D minor, D. 810 (“Death and the Maiden”).

Also, the Mandelring Quartet releases a complete edition of Shostakovitch’s string quartets at audite. Vol. I is already available. And the series “Brahms and his contemporaries” will be continued as well; so far available is “Brahms & Gernsheim”.

Neuigkeit Dec 10, 2006 News audite goes Europe!

Besides the old - but nevertheless still active - internet-addresses www.audite.DE, www.audite.NET and www.audite.BIZ we now have registered to www.audite.EU. We are happy to show our European roots in our internet address! At www.audite.eu you find our familiar audite-homepage with all its possibilities.

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