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Ensemble organ Anna-Victoria Baltrusch

Anna-Victoria Baltrusch has forged an international career as a concert organist since winning the International Organ Competition of the Bach Society Wiesbaden in 2009. She cultivates an organ style characterised by great expressiveness and pianistic virtuosity. Born in Berlin in 1989, she studied Protestant church music (organ with Prof. Martin Schmeding, Prof. Zsigmond Szathmáry and Frédéric Champion), and piano (with Prof. Gilead Mishory) at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg im Breisgau; in October 2016 she graduated with distinction with a concert diploma in organ. During her studies, she was supported by a scholarship from the Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst. After emerging as a prize-winner whilst still a teenager from the national competition Jugend musiziert, the Steinway Piano Competition Berlin and the Bach Competition for Young Pianists in Köthen, she went on to win numerous prizes at international organ competitions during her studies, such as the International Organ Competition of the Bach Society Wiesbaden, the German Music Competition, the ARD International Music Competition, the August-Gottfried-Ritter Organ Competition Magdeburg, the St Albans International Organ Competition and the International Bach | Liszt Organ Competition Erfurt-Weimar. Anna-Victoria Baltrusch maintains an active concert schedule throughout Europe. In January 2012 she made her debut with an organ recital at the Berlin Philharmonie and has worked with orchestras such as the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, the New Philharmonic Orchestra of Westphalia, the Brandenburg State Orchestra Frankfurt and the NDR Choir. Following a district cantor position at the Evangelische Christuskirche in Bad Krozingen, from 2015 to 2019 Baltrusch held a teaching position for artistic organ playing at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig. From 2016 to 2021 she was also organist of the old Tonhalle organ at the Neumünster church in Zurich and from 2017 to 2021 she directed the chamber choir TonArt Zurich. Since the winter semester of 2021/22, Anna-Victoria Baltrusch has been a lecturer for artistic and liturgical organ playing at the Evangelische Hochschule für Kirchenmusik Halle (Saale), where in 2022 she was appointed titular organist of the Ulrichskirche concert hall.

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