Ihre Suchergebnisse (9832 gefunden)

Neuigkeit Mar 24, 2005 News Test all audite productions with your own ears!

From now on you can listen to the first 60 seconds of every track of each audite-production. These tracksoundfiles are available for download in mp3 format (sampling frequency 32 kHz, data rate 96 kBit/s).

Try it: Download the file and enjoy the music!

Neuigkeit Apr 20, 2005 News Mandelring Quartett

During the compact Israel tour the Mandelring Quartett gave 6 concerts in 5 days, also in Tel Aviv and Haifa. One of the concerts was a charity concert for the cultural program of the Jewish – Arab agreement initiative “Givat Haviva”. Also, the Quartet followed an invitation to a chamber music workshop at the Rubin-Academy in Tel-Aviv.

Apart from quartets by Schubert, Beethoven and Debussy the program included the first piano quartet by Ludwig Thuille (1861-1907), a remarkable discovery. The pianist was Tomer Lev from Israel. The romantic piece was written in 1880; 125 years later now the Quartet played its premier in Israel.

Neuigkeit Oct 20, 2007 News First Prize at ARD Music Competition for audite-artist!

Johannes Fischer who participated in the audite-production Encounters with Schumann won not only the First Prize in the category percussion but he was also awarded the Audience Prize, the Alice Rosner Prize and the Special Prize for the Best Interpretation of a Commissioned Composition.

You can find more information about the artist and the competition here .

Neuigkeit May 18, 2005 News Mandelring Quartett

Founded in 1997 under the artistic direction of the Mandelring Quartett the Hambacher Musikfest has developed into one of the highly acclaimed chamber music festivals in Europe.

Each year renowned artists follow the quartet’s invitation to the picturesque city of Neustadt in the wine region Palatinate and perform a varied program with music from classic to modern. This year’s artists include the Trio Jean Paul, the Marimba-Duo Katarzyna Mycka/Franz Bach, Thomas Duis (piano), Volker Höh (guitar), Michael Martin Kofler (flute) and Reinald Schwarz (double bass); the „Platform for young artists” presents Julian Steckel (violoncello) with his duo partner Francesco Piemontesi (piano) and the successful girl’s choir „Pfälzische Kurrende“ under Carola Bischoff.

From May 25 to May 29 you can hear eight concerts, four of them in the historic castle of Hambach; the concerts in the baroque church St. Jakobus and the concerts in two vineries draw a great audience, too.
The artistic level of the performances, the nearness to the artists and the festive to charming atmosphere of the concert locations determine the special character of the festival just as the regional wines, champagnes and food specialties offered throughout the festival.

Information about the festival at tel. 06321-92043 and at www.hambachermusikfest.de ; for information about the Mandelring Quartett and concert dates www.mandelringquartett.de.

Neuigkeit May 19, 2005 News Credit card payment at audite!

Now you can pay with your credit card (Master-/ Visacard) at audite. Ordering via internet gets so even more comfortable at audite. If you prefer other payment methods like ahead transfer, direct debit or cash on delivery you can choose from those, too.

Neuigkeit Jun 14, 2005 News The way to audite

At “about us”/ “contact” you cannot only send us an e-mail but you can easily find your way to audite with the route planner and an interactive map.

Neuigkeit Jun 14, 2005 News audite in Sibiria

Two SACD-productions mark the beginning of the co-operation between Novosibirsk Academic Symphony Orchestra and Audite. Thomas Sanderling and the chief conductor of the orchestra, Arnold Kats, conduct works of Rachmaninov, Prokofief and Tchaikovsky. The release is planned for 2006.

Neuigkeit Jul 1, 2005 News New distributor in Thailand

"Pro Musica Co." is closing a gap in our international distribution network and we are looking forward to the cooperation!

Neuigkeit Sep 23, 2007 News String Quartet on tour...

For three weeks the Mandelring Quartett was on tour in South America. The musicians followed an invitation of the Goethe-Institute and Colombian National Bank. The concert tour led the quartet to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Paraguay. In addition to the concerts the Mandelring Quartett shared their expertise in workshops which took place in co-operation with local partners.

In La Paz/ Bolivia the quartet played literally in thin air in 3700m height. Nevertheless the musicians did not have to make use of the offered oxygen masks…

Neuigkeit Sep 13, 2005 News Shostakovich-cycle at audite and in New York

The complete edition of Dmitri Shostakovich’s String Quartets with the Mandelring Quartet takes shape: The first part with the quartets No. 1, 2 and 4 will be probably released in late autumn. As a prelude the Mandelring Quartet presents Shostakovich’s String Quartet No. 4 together with Schubert’s quartet g-minor and Beethoven’s quartet Op. 131 in a concert on Sunday October 30th at 5:00 PM in the prestigious concert series of "The Frick Collection" in New York. If you do not have a chance to attend the concert you can already look forward to the new production!

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