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Neuigkeit Sep 5, 2008 News Mandelring Quartett on tour

The Mandelring Quartet tours in Japan and Corea in September.

The musicians follow an invitation of the Goethe-Institute to concerts in in Tokyo, Osaka, Musahino and Seoul. In addition to the concerts the Mandelring Quartet will share their expertise in a master class in Seoul.

The detailed tour schedule:

11.09.08 Tokyo, Tsuda Hall
12.09.08 Osaka, The Phoenix Hall
13.09.08 Musahino
15.09.08 Tokyo, National Museum
17.09.08 Master Class Seoul
18.09.08 Master Class Seoul
19.09.08 Master Class + Concert Seoul

Neuigkeit Oct 7, 2008 News “In the niche you can find the real majors of the music industry.”

On October 5th audite’s Tonmeister and label founder Ludger Böckenhoff was invited to the radio program “taktlos” of the Bavarian Broadcasting Company BR and the Neue Musikzeitung. The program was broadcasted live on BR2 and is now available as podcast.

Together with the hosts Theo Geißler and Marlen Reichert as well as Michael Blümke (harmonia mundi) and Stephan Steigleder (Universal) Böckenhoff discussed the topic “Vinyl, digital, global? – Music transport tomorrow”.
Live music was contributed by the bassist and lutenist Joel Frederiksen.

You can find the podcast of the broadcast here:

You can find further information about the program here.

Neuigkeit Nov 4, 2008 News New distributor in Australia

We are happy to welcome a new distributor in the audite-family! EOS Music is the name of our new partner in Australia.

Starting immediately our products will be distributed through EOS Music which is located in Moss Vale/ New South Wales. We are looking forward to good cooperation!

Neuigkeit Nov 3, 2008 News 25 years Mandelring Quartet

This year the Mandelring Quartet celebrate the 25th anniversary of its concert-début. Considering its members’ birthdates (1964 – 72), many people may find it amazing that the quartet has actually been in existence for a quarter of a century. People who know that three of its members are siblings and have played music together since their youth will be perhaps less amazed.

In the early 1980s Sebastian, Nanette and Bernhard Schmidt, along with a friend, began to appear as a string quartet on festive occasions. As their appearances became more frequent, the idea arose to probe more deeply into the quartet genre. Thus, in 1983, the Mandelring Quartet came into existence. They took their name from the place where they rehearsed, a former vineyard on a road lined with almond trees (“Mandeln”). The Mandelring Quartet has been in existence since 1983 with only one brief interruption for a year of study in the USA. Violist Roland Glassl joined the quartet in 1999.

In the fifth year of its existence, the ensemble drew attention with a CD recording of Schubert’s “Death and the Maiden” Quartet. A year later it was placed under contract by the Sudbrack Agency in Hamburg. The resultant concert engagements quickly helped it to garner a fine reputation. The quartet soon mastered a large repertoire, thus acquiring a solid basis for its carrier. From 1991 to 1994 it won several major competitions (Munich, Evian, Paolo Borciani), which soon led to recitals in the major European concert halls. Since then the Mandelring Quartet has performed in fifty countries all over the globe as one of the leading international quartets of our time.

The musicians also left a clear artistic imprint on the programs of the HAMBACHERMusikFEST, an international chamber music festival founded under the artistic direction of the Mandelring Quartet in 1997. The festival has quickly advanced to become a meeting place for chamber music aficionados from all over the world.

The Mandelring Quartet’s versatility and wide-ranging repertoire is heard on twenty CD releases. Since 2001 it has issued its recordings on the audite label, including three Brahms quartets in combination with works by a contemporary (Dessoff, Gernsheim, Herzogenberg), and six Schubert quartets. The Mandelring Quartet is currently recording a complete set of all fifteen Shostakovitch quartets.

Dynamism, vitality, colour, imagination, humour, excitement, rigor, textual fidelity, homogeneity and great delight in playing: all these characteristics describe the playing of the Mandelring Quartet. We can hear it on their CDs and feel it even more vividly in their many recitals.

Neuigkeit Nov 29, 2008 News Mandelring Quartet @ WDR 3

To honour the 25th stage anniversary of the Mandelring Quartet the German radio station WDR has broadcasted a portrait about the four musicians.

On Monday November 24th this portrait was broadcasted on WDR 3 as part of the program “TonArt” (3:05 PM to 5:45 PM). It is now available as podcast.
The musicians talk about the quartet, their carrier, their love of music and much more.

Neuigkeit Nov 20, 2008 News Mandelring Quartet at the German radio station NDR

On October 10th the Mandelring Quartet was a guest in the NDR program „Klassik à la carte“.

In conversation with Beate Scheibe the artists Nannette and Bernhard Schmidt talked about love among siblings, contemporary music and joy of discovery in the face of long-forgotten scores.
The interview is available as podcast.

Neuigkeit Jan 7, 2009 News New distributor in England

We are happy to welcome a new distributor in the audite-family! harmonia mundi UK is our new partner in England.

Starting January 1st 2009 our products will be distributed through harmonia mundi UK. We are looking forward to good co-operation!

Neuigkeit Dec 23, 2008 News audite-Weihnachtsgeschenk

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
audite gives away a Christmas present: "Venite adoremus" by Gaston Marie Dethier with Johannes Geffert, organ.

2008 was a good year for audite. One notable highlight, amongst many other releases, was the spectacular discovery of ‘Porgy and Bess’: the German première of this Gershwin opera was recorded in 1952 amidst the wreckage of post-war Berlin. The audio tapes remained untouched and uncatalogued for over forty years in the archives of the former RIAS. The discovery was only made possible as a result of intensive research as well as through the close and long-term relationship that we enjoy with our partners at the radio and the archives. Apart from such highlights, audite deliberately issues diverse recordings, the common ground of which lies in the striking intensity of their interpretation. This subjective criterion is the musical and focal core of the label. It is the combination of the personal dedication of its personnel, the unusually slimline company structure and the international bias which have taken audite forward for many years. We therefore have no worries about the future: we hope you will join us in looking forward to another year full of discoveries!

Neuigkeit Jan 16, 2009 News 2 Supersonics in January

In January three volumes of our Fricsay edition were reviewed from the music magazine Pizzicato!

Our productions Edition Ferenc Fricsay Vol. VII – W.A. Mozart: Symphony No. 29, No. 39 & No. 40 and Edition Ferenc Fricsay Vol. VIII – W.A. Mozart: Die Entführung aus dem Serail have been both selected for a Supersonic (Mozart Symphonies | Entführung aus dem Serail). Moreover, Edition Ferenc Fricsay Vol. V – The Bat received with five notes the maximum rating.
You find the complete review here.

We are very happy about these distinguished awards!

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