Ihre Suchergebnisse (9830 gefunden)

Neuigkeit Jan 19, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann News Quartetto di Cremona und audite: ICMA für Beethoven Vol. 7 & 8

​Also this year audite is honoured with an International Classical Music Award (ICMA). The Quartetto di Cremona convinced the jury with two recordings at once - Vol. 7 and 8 of the Complete Edition of Beethoven's String Quartets - and is the winner 2018 in the category Chamber Music.

After numerous enthusiastic reviews and awards from the international press and the ECHO Klassik 2017, this is now a special recognition for the edition as the ICMA is one of the most important awards of the international music scene. The selected productions are among the 24 winners out of 357 nominations.

The Award Ceremony and Gala Concert take place on April 6th 2018 in Katowice (Poland), hosted by the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra under Alexander Liebreich.

The 17 members of the ICMA jury from 14 countries are without exception professional music critics of important magazines, online services and radio stations. Thus we are particularly happy about this award since it documents the expertise and the knowledgeable appreciation of the jury members for our production!

The ICMA jury:
Andante (Turkey), Crescendo (Belgium), das Orchester (Germany), Gramofon (Hungary), HRT (Croatia), IMZ (Austria), MDR Kultur (Germany), Musica (Italy), Musical Life (Russia), Musik & Theater (Switzerland), Opera (UK), Orpheus Radio (Russia), Pizzicato (Luxembourg), Radio 100,7 (Luxembourg), Resmusica.com (France), Rondo Classic (Finland), and Scherzo (Spain).

Neuigkeit Feb 16, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann News German Record Critics’ Award for Franziska Pietsch and audite

​After numerous international recognitions the nomination for the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) the production receives yet another important prize!

The quarterly and annual awards of the German Record Critics' Award are sought-after prices in the German music scene. The winners of the quarterly awards are included in the Quarterly Critics' Choice ("Bestenliste") of the German Record Critics' Award. The lists recommend new releases which merit special attention for the quality of interpretation and for their value to the repertoire. These lists provide a candid picture of new releases which, in the jury's opinion, are of outstanding importance when judged on purely artistic and audiophile grounds.

We are very happy about this distinguished award!

Statement of the Jury:
"Franziska Pietsch hat sich in den letzten Jahren als hoch expressiv gestaltende Kammermusikerin profiliert, aus ihren Aufnahmen spricht eine bemerkenswerte künstlerische Individualität. In den Violinkonzerten von Sergej Prokofjew stellt sie die virtuos-geigerischen Effekte und die hoch expressive Lyrik in lebendigen Kontrasten gegenüber. Sie arbeitet Charaktere mit Deutlichkeit heraus und öffnet damit das Ohr für die immense Vielgestaltigkeit der musikalischen Gedanken, die Prokofjew in diese konzertanten Meisterwerken hineingelegt hat. Der Ausdruckswille der Geigerin ist bezwingend, in jeder Phase absolut glaubhaft. Ein Glücksgriff auch der junge rumänische Dirigent Cristian Mācelaru, er bewegt das DSO Berlin zu farbkräftigem Spiel. So runden sich diese Prokofjew-Interpretationen zu einem großen, schlüssigen Ganzen. (Für die Jury: Norbert Hornig)"

Neuigkeit Mar 26, 2018 | Wencke Wallbaum News & Rezension La Clef du mois

Th​e French music magazine ResMusica was founded in 1999 by Christophe Le Gall and is an information website for classical music and dance. The articles published there are written by a team of 50 competent authors from all over Europe and North America.

Neuigkeit Jun 19, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann News CD Presentation SEVEN

​On July 6th, audite will release SEVEN, the second audite album with Hansjörg Fink (trombone) and Elmar Lehnen (Seifert Organ of the Marienbasilika Kevelaer).

The CD Presentation will take place on Wednesday, July 4th 2018 in the Basilika Kevelaer, Germany:

18.45 - ca. 19.30 PM
Organ Loft, Basilika Kevelaer
Introduction with listening excerpts
(with Hansjörg Fink, Elmar Lehnen and Dr. Bastian Rütten, author of the literary fragments)

20.00 PM
Basilika Kevelaer
Concert/CD Presentation SEVEN | Free admission

ca. 21.15 PM (following the concert)
Conclusion and opprtunity for conversation
(with Hansjörg Fink, Elmar Lehnen, Dr. Bastian Rütten and the organ builder of the Seifertorgel of the Marienbasilika in Kevelaer, Roman Seifert)

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