Ihre Suchergebnisse (9830 gefunden)

Neuigkeit Jul 3, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann News Quartetto di Cremona in Japan

​From July 2nd to 6th the Quartetto di Cremona is touring in Japan. In four concerts in Tokyo, Yokohama and Nagoya they perform works by Mozart, Schumann Webern, Puccini, Respighi, Vacchi... and of course Beethoven!! Each program includes a Beethoven String Quartet, also as a tribute to their outstanding Beethoven Edition at audite and as a celebration of the 8 SACD boxed set of this special edition which has  just been released. In Japan, the boxed set is available also in a Japanese version.
On the occasion of the concerts and the box release audite's Japanese distributor King International organized interviews, CD events and concert sales. Today the Quartetto di Cremona is guest of King International for six interviews which are being held in the offices of King International.

Neuigkeit Jul 5, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann News Bryan Cheng : 2nd prize in TONALi Competition 2018

Bryan Cheng won 2nd prize and the David Geringas Special Prize in the prestigious TONALi Cello Competition 2018. In addition, he was awarded a Special Prize of the Hamburgische Vereinigung von  Freunden der Kammermusik for for an outstanding chamber music round. In the sold out finals, Bryan Cheng concertized with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen under Joshua Weilerstein in the Great Hall of the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie. Congratulations!!

(all photo credit: Swanhild Kruckelmann)

Neuigkeit Jul 10, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann News Quartetto di Cremona at Tower Records in Tokyo

​The performance of the Quartetto di Cremona at the instore live event at Tower Records in Shibuya, a city district of Tokyo, on July 7th 2018 was a great success! The ensemble played movements 1, 2 & 4 from Beethoven's String Quartet No. 8 and talked in the interviews about their CD recordings, Beethoven and the Complete Edition of his string quartets. The event took place on the occasion of the release of the 8 SACD boxed set of this edition in Japan.

A big thank you to our Japanese distribution partner King International who organized this and all  other events around the QdC's concert tour in Japan so well and with such great care!

Neuigkeit Sep 18, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann News Franziska Pietsch & Josu de Solaun: Album Release Concert

​​​On September 26th, Franziska Pietsch will presents two new recordings at once in Berlin: Her new solo album with works by Bartók, Prokofjev and Ysaÿe which is released on November 2nd, and her first duo recording with pianist Josu de Solaun. Their interpretation of violin sonatas by Strauss and Shostakovich will be released in spring 2019.

The program of the album release concert on September 26th includes solo works by Bartók, Prokofjew and Ysaÿe and, as a preview on the upcoming recording, the complete Violin Sonata Op. 134 by Shostakovich. In the artists' interviews with host Dr. Eleonore Büning the musicians grant insight in their artistic world.

September 26th 2018, 20:00 PM
admission: 19:30 PM
Institut français Berlin
'Maison de France'
Saal Boris Vian
Kurfürstendamm 211, 10719 Berlin

Registration at info@audite.de.

Neuigkeit Sep 28, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann News Bryan Cheng receives Bonjour Stradivari Cello

​Every three years, talented Canadian professional classical musicians compete for a chance to borrow one of the 20 legendary instruments from the Canada Council's Musical Instrument Bank.

The Bonjour Stradivari cello, made by Antonio Stradivari ca. 1696, is named after an amateur nineteenth century Parisian cellist, Abel Bonjour, who owned it until his death sometime after 1885. The cello subsequently passed via Stuttgart, Cologne and Switzerland to Martin Lovett, cellist of the celebrated Amadeus Quartet, who owned it for a period of time.The present owner, an anonymous donor, acquired it in 1999 and made it available for the Musical Instrument Bank.

Neuigkeit Oct 1, 2018 | Schweizer Klaviertrio – Swiss Piano Trio Artists Radio SRF2 Kultur about 20 years Swiss Piano Trio

On Saturday, 6th of October 2018, 16:03 pm (rerun Thursday, 11th of October 2018, 22:06 pm), Swiss Radio SRF 2 Kultur will broadcast excerpts of the Beethoven edition to celebrate the 20th birthday of the Swiss Piano Trio. The focus lies on volume V of the Complete Works for Piano Trio by Beethoven, released in October 2018. This volume includes the famous Triple Concerto recorded together with the Zurich Chamber Orchestra.
In their recording of the Triple Concerto, the Swiss Piano Trio take a new approach by performing the work  without conductor despite its highly demanding interplay between solo ensemble and orchestra. The pianist and concertmaster lead in tandem, which allows to better highlight the chamber music-like connection between soloists and orchestra. Joining in partnership with the Zurich Chamber Orchestra and its long and rich tradition, the Swiss Piano Trio presents the Triple Concerto as a juxtaposition of two chamber ensembles of different sizes - piano trio and chamber orchestra.
(photo credit: Neda Navaee)

Neuigkeit Nov 23, 2018 | Sabine Wiedemann News 11 audite productions nominated for ICMA 2019

​A total of 11 audite productions was nominated for the International Music Awards 2019. Among them new releases with Kirill Karabits and the Staatskapelle Weimar, Marc Coppey/Peter Laul, Niek de Groot/Elina Vähälä, Ulrike Hofbauer/Thilo Hirsch and  Christoph Schickedanz. In the field of historical releases productions from the LUCERNE FESTIVAL series (Furtwängler, Milstein/Markevitch/Ansermet) and from the RIAS archive (Ferenc Fricsy, Jorge Bolet Vol. I+II) were nominated.
We are very happy about these nominations!

The International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) are the successors of the MIDEM Classical Awards respectively the Cannes Classical Awards. The ICMA jury consists of professional music critics of important magazines, online services and radio stations:
Andante (Turkey), Crescendo (Belgium), das Orchester (Germany), Gramofon (Hungary), HRT Croatian Radiotelevision (Croatia), IMZ (Austria), Kultura (Russia) MDR Kultur (Germany), Musica (Italy), Musical Life (Russland), Musik & Theater (Switzerland), Opera (UK), Orpheus Radio (Russia), Pizzicato (Luxembourg), Polskie Radio Chopin (Poland), Radio 100,7 (Luxembourg), Resmusica.com (France), Rondo Classic (Finland), and Scherzo (Spain).

The finalists will be known by December 10, and the ICMA winners will be published on 17 January 2019.
The Award Ceremony and Gala concert will take place at the KKL in Lucerne, Switzerland, on 10 May 2019, with the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra conducted by Lawrence Foster - who is also the conductor in the nominated audite realease Jorge Bolet Vol. II.

The following audite productions were nominated:

Early Music:
Co'l dolce suono
Ulrike Hofbauer | Julian Behr | Andreas Böhlen | Jessica Horsley | Thilo Hirsch | Félix Verry | Caroline Ritchie
ensemble arcimboldo
Thilo Hirsch

Baroque Instrumental:
Johann Sebastian Bach: Sei Solo á Violino senza Basso accompagnato
Christoph Schickedanz

Sergei Prokofiev: Cantata for the 20th Anniversary of the October Revolution
Ernst Senff Chor Berlin | Staatskapelle Weimar
Kirill Karabits

Symphonic Music:
Richard Strauss: Macbeth, Don Juan, Tod und Verklärung & Festmarsch in C
Staatskapelle Weimar
Kirill Karabits

Chamber Music:
Ludwig van Beethoven: Complete Works for Cello and Piano
Marc Coppey | Peter Laul

Duos for Violin & Double Bass
Elina Vähälä | Niek de Groot

Jorge Bolet: The RIAS Recordings, Vol. I
Jorge Bolet

Jorge Bolet: The RIAS recordings, Vol. II
Jorge Bolet
Radio-Symphonie-Orchester Berlin
Lawrence Foster | Edo de Waart

Ferenc Fricsay conducts Richard Strauss
Margit Weber | Léon Goossens | Heinrich Geuser | Willi Fugmann
Ferenc Fricsay

LUCERNE FESTIVAL Historic Performances
Nathan Milstein plays Mendelssohn & Dvorak
Nathan Milstein
Schweizerisches Festspielorchester
Igor Markevitch | Ernest Ansermet

Neuigkeit Dec 12, 2018 | Wencke Wallbaum News & Release & Rezension "La Clef d'or" for Furtwängler release

The French music magazine ResMusica was founded in 1999 by Christophe Le Gall and is an information website for classical music and dance. The articles published there are written by a team of 50 competent authors from all over Europe and North America.

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