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Neuigkeit Jan 17, 2019 | Sabine Wiedemann News ICMA for Kirill Karabits, Staatskapelle Weimar, Ernst Senff Chor & audite

​A​lso in 2019 audite is honoured with an International Classical Music Award (ICMA). The winner in the category choral is Prokofiev's Revolution Cantata with Kirill Karabits, the Staatskapelle Weimar and the Ernst Senff Chor (rehearsal: Steffen Schubert).

Statement of the jury: "Kirill Karabits frees Prokofiev's October Revolution Cantata from any possible revolutionary pathos, enhancing the satirical and destructive character of the music, which Prokofiev didn't dare to publish. The large ensemble united for this performance delivers a taut and focused sound, superbly caught by the microphones."

After numerous enthusiastic reviews and awards from the international press, the production receives with the ICMA now one of the most important awards of the international music scene. We are very happy about this recognition!

The Award Ceremony and Gala Concert will take place at the KKL in Lucerne, Switzerland, on 10 May 2019, with the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra conducted by Lawrence Foster.

The members of the ICMA jury are without exception professional music critics of important magazines, online services and radio stations: Andante (Turkey), Crescendo (Belgium), das Orchester (Germany), Gramofon (Hungary), HRT Croatian Radiotelevision (Croatia), IMZ (Austria), Kultura (Russia) MDR Kultur (Germany), Musica (Italy), Musical Life (Russland), Musik & Theater (Switzerland), Opera (UK), Orpheus Radio (Russia), Pizzicato (Luxembourg), Polskie Radio Chopin (Poland), Radio 100,7 (Luxembourg), Resmusica.com (France), Rondo Classic (Finland), and Scherzo (Spain).

Neuigkeit Feb 15, 2019 | Wencke Wallbaum News & Rezension German Record Critics’ Award for archival recordings of Nathan Milstein

​The quarterly and annual awards of the German Record Critics' Award are sought-after prices in the German music scene. The winners of the quarterly awards are included in the Quarterly Critics' Choice ("Bestenliste") of the German Record Critics' Award. The lists recommend new releases which merit special attention for the quality of interpretation and for their value to the repertoire. These lists provide a candid picture of new releases which, in the jury's opinion, are of outstanding importance when judged on purely artistic and audiophile grounds.

Statement of the Jury:
"Diese in der Edition „Luzerner Festspiele" glanzvoll tönenden Violinkonzerte stehen in besonderer Verknüpfung mit dem Solisten Nathan Milstein. Dvořák starb 1904, das Jahr, in dem Milstein geboren wurde. Für ihn und seine Zeitgenossen Adolf Busch und Vasa Prihoda war der Einsatz für das Werk noch Pionierarbeit. Das gleiche gilt freilich auch für Milsteins Aufführungen des Mendelssohn Konzertes (ein frühes Zeugnis ist eine Liveaufnahme mit Toscanini; dieser dirigierte auch das Gründungskonzert der Luzerner Festspiele, dem Milstein als Hörer beiwohnte). Hier spielt Milstein beide Violinkonzerte mit der unergründlichen Leichtigkeit eines Virtuosen, der sich in den technisch anspruchsvollen Passagen nicht austobt, sondern souverän dem Hörer einen Blick auf die Musik erlaubt." (Für die Jury: Stephan Bultmann)

Neuigkeit May 15, 2019 | Wencke Wallbaum News International Classical Music Award for audite

​​On May 10th, this year's International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) were awarded in Lucerne. The audite production Sergei Prokofiev: Cantata for the 20th Anniversary of the October Revolution won in the category Choral. The winners were introduced and honoured with a festive award ceremony and a top-class gala concert with the Lucerne Symphony under Lawrence Foster.

The jury consists exclusively of professional critics for classical music from international media. This guarantees the high level and the independency of the ICMA. Both makes the ICMA the most important international music award, a similar concept on international level cannot be found elsewhere. Thus we feel particularly honoured to receive an ICMA!

In the Cantata for the 20th Anniversary of the October Revolution Prokofiev played out his genuine enthusiasm for mass scorings. The cantata oscillates between revolutionary vehemence and lyrical melodies, between Russian folklore and riotous military tumult. An exceptional historical document of the highest compositional level - realised with the Staatskapelle Weimar, the Ernst Senff Chor Berlin and members of the Erfurt Air Force Band under the baton of Kirill Karabits in the year of the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution.

Statement of the Jury:
"Kirill Karabits frees Prokofiev's October RevolutionCantata from any possible revolutionary pathos, enhancing the satirical and destructive character of the music, which Prokofiev didn't dare to publish. The large ensemble united for this performance delivers a taut and focused sound, superbly caught by the microphones."

The 19 members of the ICMA jury from 15 countries are all professional music critics of important magazines, online services and radio stations: Andante (Turkey), Crescendo (Belgium), das orchester (Germany), Gramofon (Hungary), HRT (Croatia), IMZ (Austria), MDR-Figaro (Germany), Musica (Italy), Musical Life (Russia), Musik & Theater (Switzerland), Opera (UK), Orpheus Radio (Russia), Pizzicato (Luxembourg), Radio 100,7 (Luxembourg), Resmusica.com (France), Rondo Classic (Finland), Scherzo (Spain), Deutsche Welle (Germany), and Radio Chopin (Poland).

Neuigkeit Jul 1, 2019 News audite summer sale: 20% discount and no shipping costs

In July and August we are offering a discount 20% off all orders via audite.de. During this campaign shipping within the European Union is free, too. The discount applies without exception: to physical releases such as CDs, SACDs and LPs as well as to all audio downloads via audite.de in MP3, WAVE and FLAC format, in stereo as well as in surround.

This means that you will receive both our historical recordings (with legendary artists such as Wilhelm Furtwängler, Jacqueline du Pré and Jorge Bolet), special discoveries of our label (such as the award-winning Premiere Recording of Franz Liszt's Opera Sardanapalo or the first recording of György Kurtág's 'Scrapbooks' ('Sudelbücher') in the original setting for soprano and double bass with Viktoriia Vitrenko, shown in the picture of this campaign, and Niek de Groot) as well as recent large editions (eg the Quartetto di Cremona's Beethoven Cycle or the Recording of the Complete Symphonic Works of Edvard Grieg and Robert Schumann) at a bargain price.

We wish you good moments of intense listening and with lots of pleasure!

Neuigkeit Jul 8, 2019 | Wencke Wallbaum News & Release audite production on new longlist of German Record Critics' award (PdSK)

The quarterly and annual awards of the German Record Critics' Award (PdSK) are sought-after prices in the German music scene. The winners of the quarterly awards are included in the Quarterly Critics' Choice ("Bestenliste") of the German Record Critics' Award. The lists recommend new releases which merit special attention for the quality of interpretation and for their value to the repertoire. These lists provide a candid picture of new releases which, in the jury's opinion, are of outstanding importance when judged on purely artistic and audiophile grounds.

Neuigkeit Sep 2, 2019 | Wencke Wallbaum News & Release & Rezension Diapason d'or for Quartetto Italiano

The Diapason d'Or (literally "Golden Tuning Fork" in French) is a recommendation of outstanding (mostly) classical music recordings given by reviewers of Diapason magazine in France, broadly equivalent to "Editor's Choice", "Disc of the Month" in the British Gramophone magazine.

The Diapason d'Or de l'Année (literally "Golden Tuning Fork of the Year") is a more prestigious award, decided by a jury comprising critics from Diapason and broadcasters from France Musique, and is comparable to the United Kingdom's (UK) Gramophone Awards, associated with the Gramophone magazine.

The Diapason d'or is considered one of the most important independent European record awards for classical music.

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