"Thomas Horch spielt sein Instrument mit großer Beweglichkeit, in den ruhigen Sätzen ausdrucksgewandt und lyrisch." (Ars Organi)
Baroque-Bolero - Baroque Music for Trombone and Organ | |
article number: | 95.437 |
EAN barcode: | 4009410954374 |
price group: | BCH |
release date: | 1. January 1995 |
total time: | 61 min. |
American Record Guide | 2/2001 | Barry Kilpatrick | March 1, 2001
Thomas Horch, principal trombone in the Berlin Philharmonic during Herbert von Karajan's final years as conductor, is now principal of the BavarianMehr lesen
Horch delivers pleasant, moderately expressive, technically polished recitations, but I am not moved or inspired by his playing. Nor am I impressed by his decision to include Vivaldi's Spring concerto from Four Seasons. The notes say Horch played it "with a twinkle in his eye", but it doesn't sound like he included it as a little joke. We all know how this piece sparkles when played on violin; this does not sparkle.
Horch's wife Ruth Vollert accompanies ably on the organ at Maria Konigan Church of Baldham near Munich.
International Trombone Association Journal | Volume 28 | Larry Weed | December 1, 2000
Formerly principal trombonist in the Berlin Philharmonic, and since 1990Mehr lesen
www.arkivmusic.com | 28.11.2000 | November 28, 2000
As the proverb goes, necessity is the mother of invention. And one briefMehr lesen
Ars Organi | 44. Jhg - Heft 3 | Holger Brülls | September 1, 1996
Diese Paarung ist dann attraktiv, wenn sie ausgesprocheneMehr lesen
Das Orchester | 6/1996 | Diether Steppuhn | June 1, 1996
In Heft 10/95 (S. 67) dieser Zeitschrift war die neue CD „Posaune inMehr lesen
Musikmarkt | 30.10.1995 | October 30, 1995
Auszüge aus Vivaldis „Vier Jahreszeiten“ und weitere Werke aus derMehr lesen
Hörzu | Heft 33/1995 | September 1, 1995
Die Bearbeitung macht’s möglich: Posaunist Thomas Horch und OrganistinMehr lesen
In Heft 10/95 (S. 67) dieser Zeitschrift war die neue CD „Posaune in Europa“...
Diese Paarung ist dann attraktiv, wenn sie ausgesprochene Repertoire-Neuheiten...
Die Bearbeitung macht’s möglich: Posaunist Thomas Horch und Organistin Ruth...
As the proverb goes, necessity is the mother of invention. And one brief look at...
Formerly principal trombonist in the Berlin Philharmonic, and since 1990 first...
Auszüge aus Vivaldis „Vier Jahreszeiten“ und weitere Werke aus der Zeit des...
Thomas Horch, principal trombone in the Berlin Philharmonic during Herbert von...