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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Organ Works

97484 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Organ Works

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According to the testimony of several contemporaries, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an excellent organist. Be that as it may, he composed only a few works for the "king of instruments." This is because organ compositions were intended for concrete occasions and only roughly sketched on paper. Some of...more

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

"Ein Exempel Mozart'scher Kammermusik vom Feinsten. Mit viel Liebe zum Detail kostet Martin Sander auch die kleinsten Nuancen der Musik aus. Dazu kommen ein zarter und facettenreicher Anschlag sowie artikulatorische Vielfalt und Angemessenheit. Sein natürlich fließender spielerischer Gestus rundet das Bild schließlich ab. Es sei auf die vorbildliche aufnahmetechnische Seite der CD hingewiesen. Ausgezeichnet und sehr informativ ist auch Sanders selbst verfasstes Booklet." (Organ)

Track List

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio und Rondo c-moll, C-Dur KV 617 (12:33) Martin Sander | Martin Sander

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Martin Sander

Adagio C-dur KV 356 (617a) (03:46)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio und Fuge c-moll KV 426/546 (08:39) Martin Sander

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Martin Sander

Andante F-dur KV 616 (07:48)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Martin Sander

Ouverture C-dur KV 399 (385i) (05:02)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Martin Sander

Trio G-dur KV 443 (385 L) (02:47)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Martin Sander

Fuga g-moll KV 401 (375e) (04:31)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Martin Sander

Fuga Es-Dur KV 153 (02:20)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Martin Sander

Fuga g-moll KV 154 (385k) (02:41)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Zwei Versetten KV 154a (00:52) Martin Sander

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Martin Sander

Adagio und Allegro ("kleine Fantasie") f-moll KV 594 (09:14)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Martin Sander

Allegro und Andante ("große Fantasie") f-moll KV 608 (11:48)

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Organ Works
article number: 97.484
EAN barcode: 4022143974846
price group: BCA
release date: 1. October 2002
total time: 72 min.


According to the testimony of several contemporaries, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an excellent organist. Be that as it may, he composed only a few works for the "king of instruments." This is because organ compositions were intended for concrete occasions and only roughly sketched on paper. Some of these sketches and fragments were completed by pupils or friends after Mozart's death. The so-called flute clock, a kind of mechanical slot-machine with organ pipes, was a specialty of the classical period. Mozart wrote for this popular apparatus because he was well paid for it; at the same time he complained of its limited sonic possibilities, also creating "genuine" organ pieces that could only be optimally realised on a large instrument. The Metzler organ used here (Hopfgarten, Tyrol) is, with its South German-influenced sound aesthetic and extensions in the Silbermann style, perfectly suited to these works.
Martin Sander - prize winner at competitions such as the Prague Spring, Bach Competition in Leipzig, ARD and others - unites them to form a conclusive complete recording.


France Catholique
France Catholique | N°3068, 20 Avril 2007 | François-Xavier Lacroux | April 20, 2007 Amours, Delices...
Musiques d'Orgues

La majesté des grandes orgues est l'expression de la splendeur de laMehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
La majesté des grandes orgues est l'expression de la splendeur de la

Kirchenmusikalische Mitteilungen für das Erzbistum Paderborn
Kirchenmusikalische Mitteilungen für das Erzbistum Paderborn | 2/2006 | Gregor Schwarz | July 1, 2006

Diese CD sammelt nicht nur die echten Orgelwerke Mozarts (zwei extrem kurzeMehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
Diese CD sammelt nicht nur die echten Orgelwerke Mozarts (zwei extrem kurze

Organ | 2/2005 | Hans-Henning Schütt | June 1, 2005

Genuine Orgelmusik von W. A. Mozart gibt es (fast) nicht. Mozart, der sichMehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
Genuine Orgelmusik von W. A. Mozart gibt es (fast) nicht. Mozart, der sich

Musica | Aprile 2004 | Mario Manzin | April 1, 2004

Questa antologia di composizioni per organo di Mozart riunisce in unaMehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
Questa antologia di composizioni per organo di Mozart riunisce in una

American Record Guide | 2/2004 | Mulbury | March 1, 2004

The inescapable implication arises that this recording will include all of Mozart’s organ works. In reality, Mozart left us no genuine solo organMehr lesen

The inescapable implication arises that this recording will include all of Mozart’s organ works. In reality, Mozart left us no genuine solo organ works, unless we count two minuscule Versets, K 154a. There are many eyewitness accounts of Mozart’s organ performances and of his consuming interest in the organs of cities he visited, but on those occasions he improvised, and he evidently never composed for the instrument per se (the 17 Organ Sonatas with instruments represent, of course, a distinctly separate body of literature).
Non of this diminishes the interest of these works recorded by Martin Sander or should detract from his impeccable performances. In fact, several are substantial masterworks from Mozart’s last year (Fantasias K 594 & 608 and Andante in F, K 617), as well as the magnificent, dark Adagio and Fugue in C minor, best known in its version for strings.
Sander is one of the finest young virtuoso organists of Europe. He is on the teaching staff of the conservatories in Heidelberg and Frankfurt. He plays here the Metzler organ in the Parish Church at Hopfgarten im Brixental (Tyrol), a recent and beautiful instrument of 44 stops. All of his registrations are listed in the brochure.
There is an unmistakable authority in his playing – a combination of rhythmic integrity, intensity of expression, clarity of articulation and absolute evenness and polish of technique.
Recorded sound is natural and luminous, and the notes are excellent.
The inescapable implication arises that this recording will include all of Mozart’s organ works. In reality, Mozart left us no genuine solo organ

Magazine de l'Orgue
Magazine de l'Orgue | Numéro 78 | Jean Ferrard | February 1, 2004

Mozart n'a jamais fait partie de mes compositeurs préférés pour l'orgue:Mehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
Mozart n'a jamais fait partie de mes compositeurs préférés pour l'orgue:

Kirchenmusikalische Mitteilungen für das Erzbistum Paderborn
Kirchenmusikalische Mitteilungen für das Erzbistum Paderborn | 2/2003 | Gregor Schwarz | July 1, 2003

Bei Orgelwerken von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart oder anderen klassischenMehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
Bei Orgelwerken von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart oder anderen klassischen

Early Music Review
Early Music Review | #91 - June 2003 | Andrew Benson-Wilson | June 1, 2003

One of the many frustrations for organists is that Mozart, the designator of the organ as the ‘King of Instruments’ and noted for his virtuosoMehr lesen

One of the many frustrations for organists is that Mozart, the designator of the organ as the ‘King of Instruments’ and noted for his virtuoso performances during his life, left practically no organ music. But that has not stopped organists from delving amongst the pieces he wrote for mechanical organs and other keyboard works for music to perform under his name. This CD is typical of the result – a selection from the works edited by Martin Haselböck for organ including, of course, the two well-known and large-scale Fantasias in F minor (both written for a larger than usual barrel organ enclosed within a mausoleum for the Field Marshall Baron von Laudon in Vienna's ‘Müllersche Kunstgallerie’) and the equally popular (but more easily playable by humans) Adagio in C, written for the glass harmonica performances of the young Marianne Kirchgäßner. The choice of a modern organ is better than might at first seem, the recently built Metzler being broadly rooted in the Austrian late classical style, but with some later additions and influences, notably from the organ of the Silbermann brothers, whose organs Mozart knew well. A gently uneven temperament and a nicely musical flexibility to the winding add a touch of authenticity to the music, as does Martin Sander's clean and articulate playing. Some of the quieter registrations are of a style that was fairly well developed by Mozart's time, where several stops of the same pitch could he drawn together – the opening Adagio, for example, has no fewer than six 8' stops sounding all at once – a rich and sumptuous sound. The pleno pieces use a more traditionally baroque concept of registration, using variations on the principal ranks alone, with or without reeds. The concluding Fantasia in F minor, one of the grandest of Mozart's creations for any medium, is given an impressively forthright performance, contrasted with a nice tour of the gentler colours of the organ. I am not sure if there is a recording of either of these two Fantasias using the sorts of sounds that the original, and apparently fairly sizeable, barrel organ might have produced, but it would be an interesting project.
One of the many frustrations for organists is that Mozart, the designator of the organ as the ‘King of Instruments’ and noted for his virtuoso

Musik und Kirche
Musik und Kirche | Mai/Juni 2003 | Martin Weyer | May 1, 2003

Mit Mozarts Orgelwerken geht's etwa so wie mit Nessie, dem sagenhaftenMehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
Mit Mozarts Orgelwerken geht's etwa so wie mit Nessie, dem sagenhaften

Stereoplay | 4/2003 | Alfred Beaujean | April 1, 2003

Mozart war zwar erzbischöflicher Organist in Salzburg, hat aber, von denMehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
Mozart war zwar erzbischöflicher Organist in Salzburg, hat aber, von den

Kölner Stadtanzeiger
Kölner Stadtanzeiger | 22.03.2003 | March 22, 2003

Mozarts Orgelwerke sind wohl in der Zahl, nicht aber in der BedeutungMehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
Mozarts Orgelwerke sind wohl in der Zahl, nicht aber in der Bedeutung


date /
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France Catholique
Amours, Delices...
Feb 7, 2007

Kirchenmusikalische Mitteilungen für das Erzbistum Paderborn
Diese CD sammelt nicht nur die echten Orgelwerke Mozarts (zwei extrem kurze...
Nov 12, 2005

Genuine Orgelmusik von W. A. Mozart gibt es (fast) nicht. Mozart, der sich auf...
Mar 7, 2005

Questa antologia di composizioni per organo di Mozart riunisce in una felice...
Mar 7, 2005

Early Music Review
One of the many frustrations for organists is that Mozart, the designator of the...
Mar 7, 2005

American Record Guide
The inescapable implication arises that this recording will include all of...
Mar 7, 2005

Magazine de l'Orgue
Mozart n'a jamais fait partie de mes compositeurs préférés pour l'orgue: sa...
Mar 7, 2005

Kirchenmusikalische Mitteilungen für das Erzbistum Paderborn
Bei Orgelwerken von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart oder anderen klassischen Komponisten...
Mar 7, 2005

Mozart war zwar erzbischöflicher Organist in Salzburg, hat aber, von den...
Mar 7, 2005

Kölner Stadtanzeiger
Mozarts Orgelwerke sind wohl in der Zahl, nicht aber in der Bedeutung gering -...
Mar 7, 2005

Musik und Kirche
Mit Mozarts Orgelwerken geht's etwa so wie mit Nessie, dem sagenhaften Bewohner...

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