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Un bal

97776 - Un bal

aud 97.776
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With the simultaneously glamorous and tender sounds of her instrument, harpist Sarah Christ transports us into the world of dance – into a world that is as much characterised by a sense of celebration and buoyancy as it is by contemplation and melancholy.more

Ferenc Farkas | Hector Berlioz | Johann Sebastian Bach | Manuel de Falla | Frédéric Chopin | Astor Piazzolla | Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

"Sarah Christ plays with a distinct sense of style and taste, and very musically." (Pizzicato)

Track List

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Ferenc Farkas Danses hongroises du 17ème siècle (11:36) Sarah Christ

I. Danse du Prince de Transylvanie (02:28)
II. Danse hongroise (01:25)
IV. Danse "Lapockás" (00:47)
VI. Danse de Lázár Apor (01:46)

Claude Debussy | Lily Laskine Valse romantique, L. 71 (04:18) Sarah Christ

Tempo di valse. Allegro moderato (04:18)

Hector Berlioz | Sarah Christ Symphonie fantastique, Op. 14a (06:54) Sarah Christ

Johann Sebastian Bach Partita No. 1 in B-Flat Major, BWV 825 (20:28) Sarah Christ

I. Praeludium (01:53)
II. Allemande (04:24)
III. Corrente (03:11)
IV. Sarabande (05:22)
V. Menuet I & II (03:01)

Manuel de Falla, Marcel Grandjany (Arranger) Sarah Christ

Spanish Dance No. 1 in A Minor from 'La Vida Breve' (03:59)

Frédéric Chopin Sarah Christ

Waltz No. 10 in B Minor, Op. 69/2 (04:08)

Frédéric Chopin Sarah Christ

Waltz No. 6 in D-Flat Major, Op. 64/1 'Minute Waltz' (02:19)

Frédéric Chopin Sarah Christ

Waltz No. 19 in A Minor, KK IVb/11 (02:34)

Astor Piazzolla, Maria Luisa Rayan-Forero (Arranger) Sarah Christ

Milonga del Ángel (05:59)

Astor Piazzolla, Maria Luisa Rayan-Forero (Arranger) Sarah Christ

La Muerte del Ángel (03:20)

Astor Piazzolla, Maria Luisa Rayan-Forero (Arranger) Sarah Christ

Resurrección del Ángel (07:48)

Bonustracks (06:23)

This bonus track is only available as a download!

Frédéric Chopin Sarah Christ

Waltz No. 9 in A-Flat Major, Op. 69/1 'L'Adieu' (03:37)

Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky The Nutcracker, Op. 71 (02:46) Sarah Christ

Waltz of the Flowers (02:46)

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Un bal
Dances for Harp Solo
article number: 97.776
EAN barcode: 4022143977762
price group: BCA
release date: 1. October 2021
total time: 79 min.

Bonus Material


​Dances are among the valuable "raw materials" that composers of all epochs have incorporated into their works. Baroque suites are based on dance forms from various countries, classical symphonies usually contain a minuet or a dance movement, and in the nineteenth century, composers of emerging musical nations not only made use of folk songs, but also, and above all, of the dances of their native regions in order to form an independent language.

With this album, harpist Sarah Christ shows that dance is as rich in moods as it is in forms: on her CD Un bal - named after the second movement of Hector Berlioz's Symphonie fantastique - we hear the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, which moves wonderfully freely within the framework of strict baroque models; the melancholy elegance in Chopin's and Debussy's waltzes; the folklore and rusticity in the pieces of Ferenc Farkas and Manuel de Falla; and the melancholy of Astor Piazzolla's tangos.


Swiss Harp - Schweizer Harfen-Journal | 2021 | Diane Pauvert | April 1, 2022

Die Harfenistin Sarah Christ zeigt in diesem Album, dass der Tanz anMehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
Die Harfenistin Sarah Christ zeigt in diesem Album, dass der Tanz an

Rhein-Main Magazin | 11/21 | Sebastian Laux | November 1, 2021

Mit den zugleich glanzvollen und zärtlichen Klängen ihres Instruments entführt die Harfenistin Sarah Christ in die Welt des Tanzes. Auf ihrer CDMehr lesen

Mit den zugleich glanzvollen und zärtlichen Klängen ihres Instruments entführt die Harfenistin Sarah Christ in die Welt des Tanzes. Auf ihrer CD „Un bal“ – benannt nach dem zweiten Satz von Hector Berlioz´ Symphonie fantastique – hören wir die Musik Johann Sebastian Bachs, die sich im Rahmen strenger barocker Modelle so wunderbar frei bewegt, die melancholische Eleganz in Chopins und Debussys Walzern, die Folklore und Ländlichkeit in den Stücken von Ferenc Farkas und Manuel de Falla sowie die Schwermütigkeit der Tangos von Astor Piazzolla.
Mit den zugleich glanzvollen und zärtlichen Klängen ihres Instruments entführt die Harfenistin Sarah Christ in die Welt des Tanzes. Auf ihrer CD

www.pizzicato.lu | 19/09/2021 | Remy Franck | September 19, 2021 | source: https://www.pizz... Mit der Harfe auf dem Ball

Rundum das Thema ‘Ball’ dreht sich eine neue Audite-Produktion mit der Harfenistin Sarah Christ. Sie spielt größtenteils Bearbeitungen vonMehr lesen

Rundum das Thema ‘Ball’ dreht sich eine neue Audite-Produktion mit der Harfenistin Sarah Christ. Sie spielt größtenteils Bearbeitungen von Musikstücken von Debussy, Berlioz, Bach, de Falla, Chopin, Farkas und Piazzolla. Das gibt Raum für ruhige oder auch virtuose Musik, für sanften Schwung und wirbelnde Klänge, für Melancholie und Vitalität. Sarah Christ spielt mit ausgeprägter Stil- und Geschmackssicherheit und sehr musikalisch.
A new Audite production with harpist Sarah Christ revolves around the theme of ball music. She plays mostly arrangements of pieces by Debussy, Berlioz, Bach, de Falla, Chopin, Farkas and Piazzolla. This gives room for quiet or virtuoso music, for gentle swing and swirling sounds, for melancholy and vitality. Sarah Christ plays with a distinct sense of style and taste, and very musically.
Rundum das Thema ‘Ball’ dreht sich eine neue Audite-Produktion mit der Harfenistin Sarah Christ. Sie spielt größtenteils Bearbeitungen von


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Bach's "Menuet I & II" from Partita No. 1 in B-Flat Major, BWV 825 was added to Spotify's playlist "Classical New Releases - Spotify Picks" from 20th until 26th August (#16/50)
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Chopin's Waltz No. 10 in B Minor, Op. 69/2 was added to iTunes and Apple Music Playlist "Neu in: Klassischer Musik" in Germany and other countries (#69/100)
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Chopin's Waltz No. 10 in B Minor, Op. 69/2 was added to Spotify's playlist "Classical New Releases - Spotify Picks" from 6th until 12th August (#34/50)
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Ferenc Farkas' "Danse hongroise" from Danses hongroises du 17ème siècle was added to iTunes and Apple Music Playlist "Neu in: Klassischer Musik" in Germany and other countries (#43/100)
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Bach's "Präludium" from Partita No. 1 in B-Flat Major, BWV 825 was added to iTunes and Apple Music Playlist "Bach und der Barock" in Germany and other countries (#6/50)
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Chopin's 'Minute Waltz' was added to iTunes and Apple Music Playlist "Classical Chill" in Germany and other countries (#5/50)
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Ferenc Farkas' "Danse hongroise" from Danses hongroises du 17ème siècle was added to Spotify's playlist "Classical New Releases - Spotify Picks" from 23rd until 29th July (#37/49)
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Debussy's "Valse romantique" was added to iTunes and Apple Music Playlist "Neu in: Klassischer Musik" in Germany and other countries (#78/100)
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Debussy's "Valse romantique" was added to Spotify's playlist "Classical New Releases - Spotify Picks" from 9th until 15th July (#25/57)
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Bach's "Menuet I & II" from Partita No. 1 in B-Flat Major, BWV 825 was pitched for different Curated Classical Playlists
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Bach's "Präludium" from Partita No. 1 in B-Flat Major, BWV 825 was added to iTunes and Apple Music Playlist "Neu in: Klassischer Musik" in Germany and other countries (#76/100)
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Bach's "Präludium" from Partita No. 1 in B-Flat Major, BWV 825 was added to Spotify's playlist "Classical New Releases - Spotify Picks" from 25th June until 1st July (#38/59)
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Chopin's 'Minute Waltz' was added to Spotify's playlist "Classical New Releases - Spotify Picks" from 28th May until 3rd June (#38/71)
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Chopin's 'Minute Waltz' was added to iTunes and Apple Music Playlist "Neu in: Klassischer Musik" in Germany and other countries (#63/100)
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