Tanz & Toccata - 17th Century North German Organ Music In a pleasant balance of drama and tranquillity, Martin U. Sander presents not only the highest art of organ playing in uncommonly stimulating interpretations, but also the richness of colour and fullness of tone of a North German Baroque...more
"[Sander's] fingers dance over the keys of this beautiful organ, bringing these ancient pieces to life as though they’d been composed yesterday. The technical aspect of this recording is excellent, too." (American Record Guide)
Tanz & Toccata
17th Century North German Organ Music |
article number: | 20.023 |
EAN barcode: | 4022143200235 |
price group: | BCA |
release date: | 20. February 2009 |
total time: | 66 min. |
Tanz & Toccata - 17th Century North German Organ Music
In a pleasant balance of drama and tranquillity, Martin U. Sander presents not only the highest art of organ playing in uncommonly stimulating interpretations, but also the richness of colour and fullness of tone of a North German Baroque organ. Besides writing compositions of sacred content Baroque composers were usually also engaged in popular light music of their time. In many manuscript collections of the 16th and 17th centuries compositions for church use are immediately followed by dance pieces or songs whose content is anything but sacred.
Correspondingly, alongside liturgical works by Buxtehude, Bruhns and Lübeck this CD contains also six dances from Michael Praetorius's collection "Terpsichore" as well as Samuel Scheidt's variation series "Niederlandisch Liedgen" (Little Dutch Song).
Martin U. Sander is a concert soloist and a professor of organ in Heidelberg, Germany, and Basle, Switzerland. Regularly he conducts master classes at home and abroad and is a jury member at international organ competitions. Prizes at national and international organ competitions have promoted his concert carrier decisively. Martin U. Sander has performed with renowned orchestras and at leading music festivals. He performs as a soloist in national and international concerts.
The organ of the former monastery church St Abadon and Sennen in Ringelheim, built by Andreas Schweimb and Johann John between 1696 and 1707, is a magnificent document of the art of organ building in North Germany around 1700.
Katolsk Tidning | 4. september 2009 | Kaj Engelhart | September 4, 2009 Den fantastiska stilen på orgel
"Stylus phantasticus" – den fantastiska stilen – var en nyhet som komMehr lesen
RBB Kulturradio | 06.03.2009 | March 6, 2009
Buxtehude, Praetorius, Bruhns, Lübeck, Scheidt und Bach - ein spannender Bogen, um ein ebenso spannendes Instrument zu präsentieren.Mehr lesen
American Record Guide | 6/2003 | Blakely | November 1, 2003
Martin Sander plays this recital of music by North German composers plus Bach on a two-manual, 31-stop organ built by Schweimb in 1696 an modified byMehr lesen
The title of the release is alliterative. When translated it is less clever but it points out the relationship between the toccata or “touch piece” and the dances that are its origins. Many organists seem oblivious to that, but Sander understands it well and his fingers dance over the keys of this beautiful organ, bringing these ancient pieces to life as though they’d been composed yesterday.
The technical aspect of this recording is excellent, too.
Fono Forum | 7/01 | Herbert Glossner | July 1, 2001 Von Nord nach Süd
Der Begriff der "Orgellandschaft" ist wohl einmalig. Er sagt auch etwas über den Wert und die Einzigartigkeit jeder einzelnen Orgel aus. DassMehr lesen
Dass Bach in südlichen Orgelbreiten weniger heimisch ist, wundert nicht. Aber auch auf dem Weg nach Norden begegnet er uns nur einmal, unter der Rubrik "Tanz & Toccata" (audite/Naxos CD 20023). In der ehemaligen Klosterkirche St. Abadon und Sennen zu Ringelheim, heute Salzgitter, beschließt seine Toccata in E (BWV 566) ein funkelndes Konzert, das der Berliner Martin Sander auf der weitgehend restaurierten Schweimb-Johns-Orgel (um 1700) so frei fließend wie filigran spielt. Buxtehude - auch mit einem grandios stürmischen Magnificat BuxWV 203 -, Lübeck und Bruhns stehen noch für die Toccata, während Preaetorius und Scheidt ("Ach du feiner Reuter") die spielerische Tanz- und Liedvariante bieten.
Early Music Review | Feb. 1997 | Andrew Benson-Wilson | February 1, 1997
An exciting programme of organ music by Buxtehude, Bruhns, Lübeck, Bach and the earlier composers Michael Praetorius and Scheidt, played withMehr lesen
For the last few years of his life, Praetorius was Prior of the Benedictine Monastery of which this church formed a part: it is therefore particularly apt to include some Terpsichore dances – a reminder that Praetorius noted the organ amongst the instruments suitable for them.
Strongly recommended for the music, organ and playing.
Alte Musik Aktuell | Nov. 1996 | Gerhard Hölzle | November 1, 1996
Man kann diese CD von Martin Sander durch und durch als gelungen bezeichnen, ist es doch heutzutage wirklich zu einem schier unmöglichen Unterfangen geworden, auf dem übersättigten Markt von Orgeleinspielungen jeglicher Couleur eigene Akzente zu setzen.Mehr lesen
Bayerischer Rundfunk | 29.06.1996 | Markus Zimmermann | June 29, 1996
Die uns heute allzu selbstverständliche Trennung von weltlicher undMehr lesen
Cellesche Zeitung | 27. Juni 2009 | Reinald Hanke Norddeutsche Orgelmusik
Sander gelingt mühelos der Spagat zwischen frei schweifendem Spiel und dem Aufbauen weiter Spannungsbögen, damit die Stücke nicht in ihre vielen Einzelteile auseinander fallen.Mehr lesen
Buxtehude, Praetorius, Bruhns, Lübeck, Scheidt und Bach - ein spannender Bogen,...
Martin Sander plays this recital of music by North German composers plus Bach on...
Die uns heute allzu selbstverständliche Trennung von weltlicher und...
Vorliegender Einspielung liegt folgender Gedanke zugrunde: Im gleichen Maße wie...
An exciting programme of organ music by Buxtehude, Bruhns, Lübeck, Bach and the...